SEGA and Limited Run Games are teaming up again for a range of Dreamcast merchandise to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the North American launch of the Dreamcast.
The headline item appears to be a line of trading cards. They are also selling sleevs, a binder, and a storage box for the trading cards as well.
A large selection of Sonic the Hedgehog-themed merchandise has been added to our website’s various merchandise sub sections. See below for a complete list of every new addition to the website, alongside direct links to each new entry:
We have a fresh batch of merchandise additions now live in the various merchandise sub-sections of our website. Look below for a full list of additions and direct links to each sub-section that has been updated:
A selection of updates to the various merchandise sections of our website our now available to view. Click here to go to main merchandise index on our website, or alternatively click the links below to be taken straight to the new additions:
We’ve updated our merchandise sections with various new additions to the comics, magazines and book sections. See below for a full list of new additions with direct links to each entry:
A new selection of books and graphic novels have been added to the website’s merchandise section. See below for the full list of additions and direct links to each:
We have now added another selection of SEGA game soundtracks contained within the contents of a few limited edition SEGA games. Along with these additions, we have also re-scanned and updated a few existing entries with more images of the soundtrack’s contents in a much higher resolution. Click the links below to be taken directly to each soundtrack entry, or head on over to the SEGA Music Index and browse everything we have to offer:
We’ve finally populated every remaining entry in the SEGA Music Index part of our Merchandise section! This does not mean we have catalogued every SEGA music release ever – just the releases we have in our personal collection. Head on over to the SEGA Music Index now to browse everything, but you can also access each new entry via the list below:
Thanks to our wonderful friend and contributor Mark Hughes, we now have a large selection of Segaworld memorabilia to browse in our merchandise section. In addition, Mark has also provided us with scans of some Joypolis, Project Sonic and SEGA Park memorabilia. Please see the list below for every new item added to the website as well as direct links to the various subsections they are hosted on:
It appears that the Sonic LEGO Ideas Set from last year was quite the hit because LEGO have gone and announced a whole raft of new Sonic the Hedgehog LEGO play-sets.
The iconic Green Hill Zone loop is available as a play-set which includes a “speed sphere” that can house a Sonic mini-fig. The speed sphere is used in conjunction with a launcher to fire Sonic round the loop. Tails’s workshop, the Tornado and a matching Tails mini-fig are also available, alongside an Amy Rose mini-fig and an animal rescue island play-set. It appears we’re also being teased with the prospect of a Dr. Eggman play-set as well. Check out the reveal trailer by clicking the embed below:
There is currently no word on a release date or when the play-sets will be available for pre-order at the time of writing.
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