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SEGADriven Staff

Name: Lewis Clark
Nickname: Sonic Yoda
Date of Birth: 19th November 1987
Role: Webmaster and lead writer
Email: segadriven(at)live(dot)com
Click here to see all posts by Sonic Yoda.

Name: Liam Ashcroft
Nickname: Tracker
Date of Birth: 16th of March 1998
Role: Writer and editor
Email: thisistracker(at)gmail(dot)com
Click here to see all posts by Tracker.

SEGADriven Contributors and Support Staff
Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne: Game features, roundtable contributor, hosting and website support
Ian “Bmn” Bennett: Hosting and website support
Tru “CapnCloudchaser” Smiles: Roundtable contributor
Frobman: Roundtable contributor
Terry “PageVGP” Hunter: Roundtable contributor
Gavin “GavvieUK” Storey: Roundtable contributor
Pete “Titanscreed” Nethercote: Video support and roundtable contributor
Aaron “The Gagaman” Foster: Roundtable contributor and image contributions
Mark Hughes: Image contributions
Adam Tuff: Image contributions
Danny & Franck from SEGA: Image contributions

SEGADriven is proud affiliates with the following websites:

- Dreamcast Live
- Emerald Coast
- Project Phoenix Productions
- Radio SEGA
- Saturday Morning Sonic
- SEGA Retro
- Sonic HQ
- Sonic Paradise
- The Dreamcast Junkyard
- The Pal Mega-CD Library
- The Sonic Stadium
SEGADriven and its original content are copyrighted to their respective authors. Media related directly to SEGA is copyrighted to its respective authors. Any comments on SEGA-related materials do not represent SEGA themselves. All rights reserved 2008-2022.