The next SEGA Ages title coming to the Japanese Nintendo Switch eShop is SEGA Ages: Shinobi and it will launch on the 31st of October 2019.
This new port of the game by M2 features a whole raft of enhancements that include:
– a dedicated button for melee attacks (these were previously context sensitive)
– a stage select option
– new difficulty options
– rewind functionality
– replay functionality
– online leaderboards
– support for HD rumble
– an arcade cabinet mode that simulates the background noise of a bustling arcade
– a brand new ‘Ages Mode’ which acts as an easier difficulty where you play as Joe Musashi in his white ninja garb with permanent buffs and the ability to take 2 hits to kill
Check out some screenshots below which showcase this new port in action. You can see the famous Marilyn Monroe images have been replaced with an image of the wolf transformation from Altered Beast – a nice little touch:
A new Japan-only compilation of early Virtual-On titles is coming to PS4 on November 27th 2019 as Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Masterpiece 1995-2001. This collection will be a download-only affair and include the following titles:
SEGA Japan are working with TANITA to bring this collection to PS4 alongside a new twin-stick controller for Virtual-On purists. This twin-stick controller was funded by Kickstarter back in January 2019.
An extended look at Android & iOS title Sonic at the Olympic Games is now available to view. Sonic at the Olympic Games is shaping up to be quite an extensive package for a mobile title. It features a selection of exclusive events and even a Tokyo-themed overworld to explore. Check it out below:
Sonic at the Olympic Games launches for Android and iOS devices in Spring 2020. There is currently no word on whether the game is free-to-play for priced.
There’s been scarce mention of M2’s SEGA Ages ports making it to the West, but all of a sudden (and only the day after the Japanese launch), Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV have landed on the Nintendo Switch’s eShop for Europe.
Each game is price €6.99 for Europe and £5.99 for UK. These ports are enhanced with development lead by M2 and contain new features like Sonic’s Mega Play mode from the arcade and the addition of the drop dash from Sonic Mania. Check out the launch trailer below:
It’s been a very long wait but Yakuza 5’s Western release is finally dated and it’s coming next week on the 8th of December.
The game’s release date was revealed in tonight’s Playstation Experience event. Yakuza 5 will be released digitally for PS3 and include all the DLC that was released during its original Japanese campaign.
Sega’s European marketing director Jon Rooke has confirmed that SEGA are, “exploring ways to re-release the original two Shenmue titles.”
This is by no means a confirmation that the re-releases are going to happen, but this public confirmation that the company are at least making an attempt to bring the games out of retirement is certainly a positive one.
Fingers crossed a new generation of gaming fans get to play the original two Shenmue titles before the third game drops on the projected release date of December 2017.
You can now pre-order Yakuza 5-themed avatars on the PSN store. The pre-order date? 5th of November. Could this be a clue as to the game’s Western release date? Quite possibly.
The avatars are actually marked as Yakuza 5-themed items and you can pre-order them by clicking here. Why you’d want to pre-order tiny images for 25p is beyond me but that’s a thing you can do if you’re losing your grip on reality. Happy times!
Yakuza 5 should launch exclusively on PS3 via the PSN store on November 5th. Should.
If the surprise announcement that Sonic Lost World was finding its way to PC wasn’t exciting enough then you’ll be pleased to know that SEGA are also planning to release more of their games on PC “in the coming months and years”.
John Clark, VP of Commercial Publishing for SEGA Europe has said, “This is the latest in a string of high quality PC ports of past SEGA titles that we will be building on in the coming months and years.” SEGA seems to have its sights set on expanding its business in the PC gaming category which makes sense when you remember that the PC release of Valkyria Chronicles became a bit of a surprise hit for SEGA.
There is currently no word on what games will be making their way to PC but hopefully it means more of SEGA’s console exclusives like Resonance of Fate, Sonic Colours and Vanquish get a wider release.
The first SEGA console 3DS theme to make the big move from Japan to Western eShops is a Game Gear one. You can check out a short video of it in action by clicking here.
SEGA had been previously teasing the launch of the console 3DS themes with a short soundbyte that also confirms the existence of the Dreamcast theme. You can check that out by clicking here.
More news on release dates and what other console themes SEGA decide to make the jump to the West as we get it.
All of a sudden, Sonic Lost World is no longer a Wii U exclusive and is now on its way to PC!
Sonic Team’s latest Sonic outing can now be pre-ordered on Steam for £19.99 and you also get a free copy of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (this will only be available during pre-order). The game officially launches on November 2nd.
This is great news for PC Sonic fans as SEGA’s PC ports are generally very well handled and in the case of Sonic Generations, they also open up wonderful modding opportunities.
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