The Dreamcast and SEGA Saturn console themes for 3DS are finally coming to Europe this Friday the 19th of February. Each theme will set you back £1.59 and come complete with sampled audio relevant to each console.
The European localisation has been especially impressive for previous SEGA console themes with the Mega Drive and Master System themes using sound and imagery relevant to the console’s release in the PAL regions. The same seems to have been applied to the Dreamcast theme which actually uses the blue swirl as opposed to the orange swirl used in America and Japan.
The first SEGA console 3DS theme to make the big move from Japan to Western eShops is a Game Gear one. You can check out a short video of it in action by clicking here.
SEGA had been previously teasing the launch of the console 3DS themes with a short soundbyte that also confirms the existence of the Dreamcast theme. You can check that out by clicking here.
More news on release dates and what other console themes SEGA decide to make the jump to the West as we get it.
Takenobu Mitsuyoshi is the voice of many of your favourite SEGA themes but if he’s remembered for one in particular it has to be Let’s Go Away from Daytona USA. He also strikes me as a man who absolutely adores his work and that certainly seems like the case if you watch him perform this live rendition of Let’s Go Away in the studio. Press play, crank the volume and let Mitsuyoshi-san take you away:
Hear that? That’s the sound of me weeping into a pillow at the thought of Japanese 3DS owners being able to purchase this incredible new theme based on the Dreamcast (as well as many other retro SEGA consoles). Check out video of the theme in action and marvel at the attention to detail (VMU and disc drive sounds!):
The current range of SEGA console themes for 3DS are sadly exclusive to Japan at the moment. Fingers crossed they eventually make it West.
Today’s SEGA Tunes feature is on the wonderful gameplay theme from SEGA’s Enduro Racer. We’re starting with the Master System version because quite simply it’s the better of the two:
For those of you that didn’t know, Enduro Racer started life as a parallax scrolling arcade racer similar to other SEGA racers like Hang-On. The difference here is that the game throws steep inclines and jumps at you to add some variety to the gameplay. The gameplay theme makes its’ first appearance here but the arcade version’s soundchip generally makes it sound a lot weaker than the Master System version:
Sadly we can’t seem to find any fan remixes of this gem, but if any of our readers would like to suggest some we will happily feature them on the next SEGA Tunes feature!
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