If the surprise announcement that Sonic Lost World was finding its way to PC wasn’t exciting enough then you’ll be pleased to know that SEGA are also planning to release more of their games on PC “in the coming months and years”.
John Clark, VP of Commercial Publishing for SEGA Europe has said, “This is the latest in a string of high quality PC ports of past SEGA titles that we will be building on in the coming months and years.” SEGA seems to have its sights set on expanding its business in the PC gaming category which makes sense when you remember that the PC release of Valkyria Chronicles became a bit of a surprise hit for SEGA.
There is currently no word on what games will be making their way to PC but hopefully it means more of SEGA’s console exclusives like Resonance of Fate, Sonic Colours and Vanquish get a wider release.
[Source: Sonic Retro]
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: digital, download, pc, ports, resonance of fate, sega, sonic colours, sonic lost world, vanquish