The wonderful people at SEGA Dreamcast Info have managed to source and dump 11 different builds of the unreleased PS2 Vectorman game that was infamously revealed at E3 2003.
This 3D take on Vectorman would see the game transition into a 3rd person shooter. The project was being lead by a new development studio called Pseudo Interactive. You can watch footage of the prototype builds in action via the embed below:
A new selection of cover, instruction manual and disc scans have been added to the website for a handful of games. Click the links below to be taken to their individual entries or browse the Third Party SEGA Games section by clicking here:
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster has received a brand new trailer and a confirmation of the game’s release date. The game will arrive on PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch on May 25th 2021. Check out the latest trailer below:
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne was originally released on PS2 back in February 2003. The HD Remaster will be based on the later Maniax Chronicle Edition of the game that originally released in October 2008.
The first game in Toshihiro Nagoshi’s hugely successful Yakuza franchise is a fascinating little game because it showcases a lot of familiar elements that will stay with the series all the way to present day. Yakuza is an incredibly accomplished first entry in a series that has simply reiterated on its template instead of taking it in a completely different direction.
Those (un)lucky Japanese! Shadow the Hedgehog has been re-released on the Japanese PSN store. The game is a part of the PS2 Classics range and can be purchased for 1200 yen (about £8).
Shadow the Hedgehog is the notoriously ill-advised Shadow-centric action platformer which allows you to pick up and use enemy weapons like swords and most controversially, guns.
The PS2 version of the game suffers from a wildly fluctuating framerate that makes the game a chore to play. If you’re that desperate to play the game I would advise the superior Gamecube version.
Siliconera have unearthed a whole heap of comparison shots from Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition. The screens show the PS2 originals and then the HD versions to show up the graphical upgrade.
A trailer has been unveiled for Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition on SEGA of Japan’s YouTube channel. Check it out below:
There are also some slight graphical changes over the PS2 originals:
– The high definition display allows for more detailed character models
– The “haze” that appears on far-away objects to help improve running speeds and loading times has been removed allowing for a more detailed draw distance
– It appears that this version allows for more pedestrians in the playfield at any time
Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition launches in Japan on November 1st. No word on a Western release at this time.
The Playstation Store has seen some rather interesting developments recently with the addition of PS2 classics becoming available for purchase. This week sees the addition of another plethora of titles that includes 2 SEGA games which must mean that SEGA are keen to support the service.
The 2 games are Sonic Heroes and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. Full European pricing follows:
Sonic Heroes (£7.99/€9.99)
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (£7.99/€9.99)
In a recent interview with Eurogamer, Toshihiro Nagoshi has stated that the Yakuza series will likely never get ported to the X-Box 360.
Nagoshi explains, “At the beginning of the project we spoke to all the platform holders including Sony and Microsoft. Every platform holder was negative about this prospect, but we kept on pushing because we believed in the potential, and as we kept going one platform holder that showed interest and saw the prospects of this title was Sony. That’s how we started working with them, and that’s probably not going to change.”
Nagoshi added, “The basic style and mechanics is really an old game that started on PS2 and continued on PS3. Times keep changing, and if we started on some new games they would be in a very different shape – so the last game was the end of one particular era.”
End of an era, eh? Can we expect more from the Yakuza series on different platforms? Only time will tell!
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