Also announced at today’s Nintendo Direct is Yakuza 1&2 HD for Wii-U. It appears the game will still be a Japan exclusive title though. The game releases in Japan on 8/8/2013.
Siliconera have unearthed a whole heap of comparison shots from Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition. The screens show the PS2 originals and then the HD versions to show up the graphical upgrade.
A trailer has been unveiled for Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition on SEGA of Japan’s YouTube channel. Check it out below:
There are also some slight graphical changes over the PS2 originals:
– The high definition display allows for more detailed character models
– The “haze” that appears on far-away objects to help improve running speeds and loading times has been removed allowing for a more detailed draw distance
– It appears that this version allows for more pedestrians in the playfield at any time
Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition launches in Japan on November 1st. No word on a Western release at this time.
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