The Sonic Hacking Contest returns on Monday 2nd December 2019 to Sunday 8th December. All games will be available from and the public are able to vote for the Contest entries for Community Trophies. As usual there’ll be streams throughout the week from people such as redhotsonic, MegaGWolf, SomecallmeJohnny, AntDude, Garrulous64, DaveAce and many more. We will also be covering as many hacks and mods featured at the show over on our YouTube channel (click here and subscribe!).
If you would like to review a full list of the contest entries for this year you can click this link to a thread from the official Sonic Hacking Contest Twitter account. This year hacks and mods are based on a wide variety of Sonic games including the original 16 bit titles, Sonic Mania, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes and even Sonic the Hedgehog 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
A listing for a new Crush 40 compilation called Driving Through Forever – The Ultimate Crush 40 Collection is available to pre-order on CD Japan and Amazon Japan with a release date of July 24th 2019 and an RRP of ¥2,918.
While there is currently no complete track list, it’s easy to assume that this will be another compilation similar to The Best of Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs. Amazon Japan confirms that Green Light Ride, Open Your Heart, Live & Learn and Sonic Heroes will be included with other songs to be confirmed later.
The description does include mention of a DVD that comes with the compilation. Again, there are currently no details as to what this will include at the time of writing. We will update this story as we learn more.
A new song from the Team Sonic Racing soundtrack has been debuted at SXSW. This new track is called Bingo Party and it’s actually a remix of the Bingo Highway theme from Sonic Heroes. This remix was arranged by original composer Jun Senoue and features a Sonic series debut for chiptune artist TORIENA, who also collaborated on the track. Check it out:
Bingo Party is just one song on the 130 song Team Sonic Racing: Maximum Overdrive soundtrack which will launch the same day as Team Sonic Racing on digital music streaming and download services. Team Sonic Racing launches on May 21st 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.
Crush 40 have just uploaded a pro-shot video of What I’m Made Of… live at the Japan Game Music Festival from 2013. It’s an amazing performance of a great Sonic theme and it features live drummer Act and live bassist Shoyo. Press play on the video below and throw up those horns:
A huge update has been made to our SEGA Music Catalogue. If you head into our Merchandise section and click the Music link you will see an extended and far tidier music index. The index is now organised by album title for easier searching and each entry now has its own separate page full of trivia, scans and a track list.
New additions to the catalogue include:
Alex Kidd Complete Album
The Best of Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs
Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes – Original Soundtrax
We will be continuing to add to this section throughout the week and hope to add music that contains SEGA references as well as bonus CDs that come free with special edition games. Watch this space!
The Playstation Store has seen some rather interesting developments recently with the addition of PS2 classics becoming available for purchase. This week sees the addition of another plethora of titles that includes 2 SEGA games which must mean that SEGA are keen to support the service.
The 2 games are Sonic Heroes and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. Full European pricing follows:
Sonic Heroes (£7.99/€9.99)
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (£7.99/€9.99)
This has been floating around for a while now but I’ve only just watched it. My God. This is a travesty of the highest order. Luckily, YouTube user Pikawil64 has offered this handy transcript so you can understand what is being said. Press play on the video and read along!
“A junker Happy Meal crime! Our McDonald’s says Sega Game Slime!
Cheeseburger pill killing! Hoogala, I’m a vagina! Hot sauce with a bit of flying! Soroccho, the Happy Meal kind!
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