Various updates have been made to the hardware section, merchandise sections and some select reviews on the website. Look below for all the new additions and changes on the website:
There’s something fascinating about seeing a much more advanced title being ported to a significantly underpowered system. In the right hands, these kind of ports can be an exciting experiment. What will the developer sacrifice in order to make the game run on such archaic hardware? More often than not, it’s the in-house studios who achieve the better results and with the Master System version of Streets of Rage that is definitely the case.
So here we are with Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X; the tenth title in the Project Diva series. That’s quite an impressive innings considering the franchise begun in 2009, but when you think about it, the core structure of these games has stayed pretty rigid since its inception so it must be pretty easy to tweak from game to game. Each title basically introduces you to a fresh playlist of songs to choose from and some additional mechanics that sometimes work well and sometimes don’t. So where does Project Diva X stand?
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice’s existence is a strange one. A sequel to 2014’s Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, the 3DS game was delayed an entire year to be a game that, “fans will continue to play for years after they pick up the game” and an overall, “stronger, more enjoyable experience”. It was a bold move by SEGA who have come under criticism for the way they have taken the Sonic franchise in new directions with the previously released and poorly received Sonic Boom games.
New footage of Daytona Championship USA 3 shows us a much more detailed look at this game’s version of the famous Three-Seven Speedway. Of particular note is the new Sonic the Hedgehog model that’s carved into the cliff-face. Check it out by clicking the embed below:
Daytona Championship USA 3 is due for release in arcades soon. The game was previously demoed at the IAAPA Attractions Expo last year.
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