The final set of games to be announced for the Astro City Mini have now been revealed, via Famitsu Live. They are as follows:
Arabian Fight
Ninja Princess
Stack Columns
Sonic Boom
Scramble Spirits
Puyo Puyo Tsu
Quartet 2
Thunder Force AC
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Rad Mobile
My Hero
Space Harrier
An Astro City Arcade Stick was also announced alongside the final batch of games, which will be released for for 12,800 JPY (£90)… which is practically the price of the Astro City Mini itself. This joins the huge amount of other accessories announced for it, such as the Game Centre Style Kit. The other games on the unit are (after the jump): (more…)
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
A fresh selection of promotional material and t-shirts have been added to the Promotional Material and Clothing sections of the website. See below for the full list of additions:
– Castle Fine Art Presents 25th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog Card added to Promotional Material
– Sonic Boom Event Flyer added to Promotional Material
– Sonic Lost World Sticker Sheet added to Promotional Material
– Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Door Hanger added to Promotional Material
– Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Postcard added to Promotional Material
– Sonic the Hedgehog ‘Available Now’ Flyer added to Promotional Material
– Crush 40 T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Crush 40 Rules T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Fighting Vipers T-Shirt added to Clothing
– New images of Mega Drive T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Panzer Dragoon II Zwei T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Sonic Boom T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Sonic the Hedgehog Joypolis T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Sonic the Hedgehog “Slow Sucks” Gamestation T-Shirt added to Clothing
– Sonic the Hedgehog Primark T-Shirt added to Clothing
The US is finally getting a selection of Sonic Boom episodes on DVD. While the UK and Brazil have received DVD releases since 2016, the US hasn’t had a single DVD release until now.
The first volume is available now and is called Sonic Boom: Here Comes the Boom! It is available to buy on Amazon for $6.69 at the time of writing. This volume contains 8 episodes and runs for around 90 minutes.
A second volume called Sonic Boom: Go Team Sonic! will release on May 21st 2019 and you can pre-order it on Amazon for $6.79. It contains 9 episodes and also runs for approximately 90 minutes.
A fresh batch of new entries have been added to the various sub-categories in our Merchandise section. See below for full details of what has been added:
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice’s existence is a strange one. A sequel to 2014’s Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, the 3DS game was delayed an entire year to be a game that, “fans will continue to play for years after they pick up the game” and an overall, “stronger, more enjoyable experience”. It was a bold move by SEGA who have come under criticism for the way they have taken the Sonic franchise in new directions with the previously released and poorly received Sonic Boom games.
E3 is right around the corner and now we’ve got a brand new E3 trailer of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice for the 3DS. This is the first look at the game since it was delayed for a year to give it, “the time and polish needed”. Has the delay been worth it? You be the judge:
That definitely looks like a sequel to Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal to me.
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice launches on 3DS in September this year. Those lucky Americans can also pre-order a special edition which comes with a bonus DVD that contains some select episodes of the TV show.
It’s been a long time since we heard anything about the delayed follow-up to Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, but Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice finally has a new release date of September 27th.
The game was previously delayed because SEGA America wanted to make a game that “fans will continue to play for years after they pick up the game”. SEGA also promised it would “be a stronger, more enjoyable experience” thanks to the extended development period.
There is no new footage or screens to show at the moment, but you can guarantee we’ll be sharing any the moment they drop.
Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom will be launching on iOS and Android ‘soon’.
The game was previously soft-launched on Android devices in certain countries in a similar way to Sonic Runners, but now the game is ready for its full launch.
As the sequel to Sonic Dash, the game features similar endless running gameplay to the original but with new gimmicks such as using the enerbeam to lock onto sky-rails. The game also takes its visual cues from the Sonic Boom animated series.
In what has to be a first for the Sonic franchise, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice will be delayed until 2016 so the game can be improved and fine-polished. There is currently no exact release date in 2016 other than, “it’ll be ready when it’s ready”.
The Sonic franchise is not well known for delays and generally when a release date is set for a game then it gets delivered in whatever state it’s in at the time. This has resulted in some pretty lackluster efforts like Sonic the Hedgehog ’06 and even last year’s Sonic Boom games Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal.
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice was due to release on 3DS in quarter four this year and this delay marks one of the few occasions I feel a delay can really benefit a game. The Sonic franchise deserves more great entries and rush-releasing games has never been good practice for the blue blur. Fingers crossed Fire & Ice turns into a worthy entry in the franchise whenever it is that we next see it.
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