The Japanese SEGA Ages website has been updated to reveal that the next SEGA Ages port for Nintendo Switch will be Thunder Force AC. If you’re unfamiliar with the title then Thunder Force AC is the arcade version of Technosoft’s Thunder Force III. The Thunder Force series is a collection of fantastic shoot-em-ups and Thunder Force AC marks the first time the series switched to a solely horizontal scrolling presentation that was carried through to the series’ end with Thunder Force VI in 2008.
Thunder Force AC will launch in Japan on the Nintendo Switch very soon for 999 yen via the Nintendo eShop. This new port promises a low difficulty ‘Kids Mode’, online rankings and graphical filters that mimic the game’s arcade cabinet. The port also features the new stages that were added to the console’s Mega Drive port. Development duties are once again handled by M2.
The previously leaked 4K 60fps remasters of Bayonetta and Vanquish for Xbox One are now joined by confirmation of a PS4 port. What’s also interesting is that these ports will come bundled together in a boxed release while we only had confirmation of a digital release previously. Good news for fans of games in boxes.
We also have solid confirmation that this bundle will release on the 18th of February 2020 for both Xbox One and PS4 in North America and Europe. Check out the reveal trailer by clicking the embed below:
After successful 4K 60fps remasters of Bayonetta and Vanquish hit PCs back in 2017, it appears those ports are now heading to consoles with an Xbox One X release confirmed for the 18th of February 2020.
While the games have only been listed on the Microsoft storefront at this time, this does not rule out a PS4 release. Both games are available to buy at diablo 2 items for sale and separately or bundled together as the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle. Bayonetta and Vanquish were both developed by Platinum Games and released back in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Bayonetta was directed by Hideki Kamiya of Resident Evil 2 and Viewtiful Joe fame, while Vanquish was directed by Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil 4 and The Evil Within fame.
Homebrew developers NoRecess and Condense are creating a brand new port of the 8 bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Amstrad GX-4000 called Sonic the Hedgehog GX. This port is based on the Game Gear version and features some really beautiful artwork:
A playable version isn’t publicly available at this time but the game’s website promises a release by the end of 2020. There are also videos of the game running under direct capture and off-screen on real hardware that you can watch by clicking here and here.
It would appear that SEGA’s PC port of Yakuza 0 has done well enough to justify porting another Yakuza title to the platform. This time it’s the remake of the original Yakuza game, Yakuza Kiwami.
Yakuza Kiwami was rebuilt from the ground up for PS4 and features an expanded take on the original game that references some of the revelations that took place in Yakuza 0. This PC port features additional support for 4K resolutions and uncapped framerates.
Pre-ordering the game now gives you a 10% discount, bringing the game down from £14.99 to £13.49. Yakuza Kiwami was developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios and this PC port launches on the 19th of February 2019.
In an interview with Game Watch, M2’s Naoki Horii has revealed a lot of details about the Switch line of SEGA Ages ports.
Some key highlights include plans to port Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to the system and include elements originally removed from the game due to console limitations. Also revealed are plans to port Dreamcast games to the Switch and Horii confirmed there’s 3 key titles that the team are currently working on, but didn’t mention which ones.
The current batch of SEGA Ages ports will be a part of what M2 are calling, “season one”. They are planning 15 games for this season and the previously announced Thunder Force AC port will include additional stages and more colours than its original release. The team are also using fan feedback to help enhance their port of Gain Ground.
There has also been confirmation that the Model 1 emulation they are using for Virtua Racing allows them to improve the game. There is even talk of potentially porting the Model 1 Star Wars Arcade game if they can get authorisation to use the Star Wars license.
M2 have also revealed that they are planning to do a 2nd season of SEGA Ages ports once they’ve completed work on the first 15 games.
The SEGA Ages line currently consists of ports of Sonic the Hedgehog, Thunder Force IV and Phantasy Star which is currently Japan exclusive. A port is due for a Western release but there is currently no release dates. Other titles confirmed for a SEGA Ages release include Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Gain Ground, Space Harrier, Out Run, Columns II, Thunder Force AC, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Virtua Racing. 4 more unannounced games will round out season one.
Digital Foundry have managed to get their hands on some work-in-progress footage of a cancelled Shenmue 1 & 2 remake project. Unlike d3t’s Shenmue I & II, this would have been a complete remake of the game with more detailed assets, textures and lighting. Check out the video below to see a comparison of this footage versus Shenmue I & II:
There’s a full article that breaks down what is being shown in the footage and what it does differently to the eventual release of Shenmue I & II. There’s also some speculation as to why these remakes were cancelled in favour of the upscaled HD ports we eventually got. Digital Foundry suggests the remakes were cancelled due to budget restraints and delays.
The SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection that launched on PC, PS4 and Xbox One back in May is finally heading to Nintendo Switch this Winter 2018.
While Western release dates for the individual SEGA Ages titles for Switch that are currently releasing in Japan this month are still up in arms, this announcement should satisfy SEGA fans looking to bring a nice collection of Mega Drive titles with them anywhere.
SEGA Mega Drive Classics features 53 Mega Drive games to play, a 90s bedroom presentation and a whole host of challenges to complete for each game. You can check out our review of the PS4 version to get a good idea of what to expect in the Switch port.
Dengeki Playstation has exclusively revealed that PS4 remasters of Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 are happening and the first release will be Yakuza 3 on August 9th 2018. This is currently only confirmed for a Japanese release, but it will include a download code for the game’s original soundtrack and will cost 3990 yen.
The Yakuza 4 remaster will then arrive in an “Autumn 2018” launch window, with Yakuza 5 set of Spring 2019. The only improvements confirmed for all 3 games so far is increased resolution and higher framerates. There is currently no word on whether these are Kiwami-style remakes with new and exclusive content.
Some more details have come to light since the announcement, mostly courtesy of Sam Mullen, producer at Atlus USA. Most notable of these is the confirmation that the set will include more than just Mega Drive titles – arcade games will be included too. In addition, Mullen confirmed that “every game will have something new.”
Finally, it’s been revealed by Thunder Force IV’s presence at SEGA Fes itself that it includes “Styx Mode”, previously exclusive to the Saturn’s Thunder Force Gold Pack 2. This mode allows you to play as the Thunder Force 3 ship.
More info on the new AGES series will be released at tomorrow’s “Classic Game Stage” event, as part of SEGA Fes. We’ll bring you any new announcements that come from it.
M2 are back and are leading development of up to 15 new SEGA ports of classic titles for the Nintendo Switch.
The new SEGA Ages collection will feature ports of Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star and Thunder Force IV which is currently playable on the show floor at SEGA Fes 2018. It is likely that Thunder Force IV will end up being the first title in the series to launch, but there is currently no news on a release date.
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