If you’re unfamiliar with the Sonic Cafe line of mobile games they were a series of i-Mode titles released exclusively in Japan between 2001 and 2007. The service is due to be discontinued which has sparked Japanese YouTuber Ruwa into action. Ruwa is currently capturing as many i-Mode games as possible and among them are direct feed captures of various Sonic Cafe titles like Sonic Darts, Sonic Golf, Sonic Jump and Sonic Kart 3DX. It makes for some truly fascinating viewing for Western SEGA fans as these games never made their way across the pond.
There’s also a number of SEGA i-Mode games like Out Run, Pengo and Monaco GP in there. Here’s an incomplete list of SEGA i-Mode games captured by Ruwa. I would list them all but there’s honestly just too many for me to list here. Check out the channel to browse more of his i-Mode captures by clicking here:
Hotshot Racing is a brand new arcade racing game for PCs from Lucky Mountain Games, Sumo Digital and Curve Digital that is heavily inspired by SEGA arcade racers like Virtua Racing, Scud Race and Out Run 2. We were kindly given access to the recent beta and we’ve put the game through its paces to discover if it’s worthy of your time.
Back in the day, SEGA music was so beloved that it was frequently performed live by SEGA’s own in-house band, the SEGA Sound Team Band (S.S.T. Band). They gave us some of the most incredible performances of SEGA music the world’s ever known, and in recent years several members of the group actually reformed under the new banner of Blind Spot. Their latest albums include both entirely new original pieces, as well as covers of classic SEGA tunes – and now they’ve announced a fourth album (technically their fifth?) is on the way.
With 12 tracks on offer, Blind Spot IV offers a mix of new and old tracks from beloved composers such as Katsuhiro Hayashi, Koichi Namiki, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi and more. In the SEGA department, the album promises remixes of tracks heard in Virtua Racing, Daytona USA, and even a new arrangement of the main theme of NiGHTS into Dreams – complete with a fresh vocal track!
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
SEGA has finally announced when Western players will be able to get their hands on the SEGA AGES series’ Virtua Racing and Wonder Boy ports for Nintendo Switch. The titles will both be out June 27th in the West, for $7.99 each. If the other AGES titles are to go by, they’ll likely be £5.99 each on the European eShop.
This is where things get puzzling though – Western players are now missing a game! SEGA AGES Puyo Puyo, which launched in Japan before either of these titles and was previously confirmed to be on the way to Western shores, is nowhere to be found. It’s a very peculiar turn of events, as the game is fully localised (downloading it from the Japan store to an English system gives you the localised version, as with all of the AGES ports). All we can think of is that perhaps they didn’t want to launch the port so close to the recent Puyo Puyo Champions, but it’s unfortunate given AGES Puyo marks the first time the game’s English translation has ever been officially rereleased.
Either way, it’s good to see more titles from this series making their way westward, and Virtua Racing in particular is a fantastic port. We’ll let you know if anymore details come in on Puyo’s whereabouts.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
The SEGA AGES re-release of SEGA’s arcade smash-hit Virtua Racing is now available to download from the Japanese Nintendo eShop. The game will run you 999JPY.
Unlike previous ports, this is a straight re-release of the arcade version. The downside to this approach is it means no new tracks or cars, as was the case in Virtua Racing Deluxe. However, the game supports 8-player local multiplayer and 1v1 online play. It also includes a specialised replay feature, based on the live broadcast function of the extremely rare “Virtua Formula” release of the game.
There’s currently no Western release date for this or SEGA AGES: Puyo Puyo, but we’ll let you know if one shows up.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
UPDATE 20/03/19: This article previously stated the replay feature was new to Virtua Racing – as CubeDragonX has pointed out, it’s actually from the rare Virtua Formula version of the game. The article has been amended to reflect this.
SEGA has re-confirmed Virtua Racing for the SEGA AGES line on Nintendo Switch, now with a fresh slew of details as to what exactly will be in the port – and we have to say, it’s sounding pretty snazzy.
Firstly, the game will support up to 8 players locally and 1v1 online. There’ll also be a splitscreen view for local matches, so you can see how other racers are doing. In addition to this, the Normal race and Endurance based Grand Prix modes are both accounted for.
One very impressive new feature is that replay mode in VR’s port is a step up from the other AGES titles, which offered a robust but simple means of watching back your run. Virtua Racing’s replay mode is actually taken from the rare, high-end Virtua Formula version of the game, with live commentary from Mr. Virt McPolygon! No, really. That’s his name.
On the whole, it’s shaping up to be an incredible way to bring Virtua Racing’s arcade version home for the first time. We’ll keep an eye out for a more solid release date, though given the silence on Puyo Puyo’s AGES release it’s likely to be a while. And that’s just for Japan – the SEGA AGES line has been silent in the West for over 2 whole months now, and it’s unclear when the next game in the West’s lineup, Gain Ground, will actually be released.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
In an interview with Game Watch, M2’s Naoki Horii has revealed a lot of details about the Switch line of SEGA Ages ports.
Some key highlights include plans to port Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to the system and include elements originally removed from the game due to console limitations. Also revealed are plans to port Dreamcast games to the Switch and Horii confirmed there’s 3 key titles that the team are currently working on, but didn’t mention which ones.
The current batch of SEGA Ages ports will be a part of what M2 are calling, “season one”. They are planning 15 games for this season and the previously announced Thunder Force AC port will include additional stages and more colours than its original release. The team are also using fan feedback to help enhance their port of Gain Ground.
There has also been confirmation that the Model 1 emulation they are using for Virtua Racing allows them to improve the game. There is even talk of potentially porting the Model 1 Star Wars Arcade game if they can get authorisation to use the Star Wars license.
M2 have also revealed that they are planning to do a 2nd season of SEGA Ages ports once they’ve completed work on the first 15 games.
The SEGA Ages line currently consists of ports of Sonic the Hedgehog, Thunder Force IV and Phantasy Star which is currently Japan exclusive. A port is due for a Western release but there is currently no release dates. Other titles confirmed for a SEGA Ages release include Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Gain Ground, Space Harrier, Out Run, Columns II, Thunder Force AC, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Virtua Racing. 4 more unannounced games will round out season one.
The next title in the SEGA Ages line of Nintendo Switch ports will be Virtua Racing.
Virtua Racing hasn’t received a home console port since the PS2 remake that was included in the SEGA Classics Collection and SEGA Ages 2500 line in 2004. Once again, M2 will be handling development duties but there is currently no set release date.
See below for the first screenshots of Virtua Racing in action on the Switch:
Virtua Racing joins Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV in the Nintendo Switch’s SEGA Ages line. Future SEGA Ages releases also include Phantasy Star, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Gain Ground, Space Harrier, Out Run, Columns II, Thunder Force AC and Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
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