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Archive for August, 2013

Video Spotlight: Summer of Sonic 2013 Retrospective

Friday, August 30th, 2013

The Sonic Show have put together this wonderful documentary which takes a retrospective look at this year’s Summer of Sonic and all the effort that goes into putting on an event like this. It’s a wonderfully heartwarming little tale that genuinely brought a tear to my eye. Make sure you watch this:

Fan Scene: Custom Sonic Mech Figure

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Things like this make this feature so worth while. Etsy seller KodykoalaToys has created this amazing Sonic mech figurine that is piloted by a smaller Sonic figurine. This is one of the most creative fan builds I think I’ve ever seen. Marvel at its beauty:

[Source: Geekologie]

Video Spotlight: Total War Rome II Multiplayer Demo

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

SEGA Europe have uploaded a “let’s play” feature on the Total War: Rome II multiplayer mode. The video features a nice, in depth look at the mode. Check it out:

[Source: SEGA Europe YouTube]

Video Spotlight: Japanese Advert for Yakuza 1&2 HD

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Yakuza 1&2 HD (or Ryu Ga Gotoku 1&2 HD if you want to use the Japanese title) was released for Wii-U this week. By the looks of things it hasn’t been too successful but that hasn’t stopped SEGA Japan from marketing it. Check out the below television advert for the game below:

A loose translation of the advert can be found below:

Husband: “Come at me!”
Haruka: “I want to watch anime.”
Wife: “Well, I’m heading out shopping.”
Haruka: “Okay!”
Wife: “By the way, don’t just play games. Please look after Haruka.”
Husband: “Ah, don’t worry, don’t worry.”
Wife: “See you.”
Haruka: “Have a nice trip!”
Husband: “Jun~ it’s been such a long time! Ahh, Jun~ You’re the best, of course~ Beautiful~”
Text: “Heehee… Come on, I told you not to say such embarrassing things”
Husband: “Oh, it’s not like that!”
Husband: “Since my fussy wife’s now gone, I finally got to come see you!”
Husband: “Today, let’s toast with some warm sake!”
Wife: “May I have a glass of sake as well?”
Husband: “Of course, cheer–”
Wife: “… I forgot my purse.”


3DS Empire of Steel is a Proper Remake

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

The re-release of classic Mega Drive shmup Empire of Steel for 3DS is actually a proper remake and not just a simple port. Check out the fancy new graphics above.

The game is not being published by SEGA but it’s being developed by Starfish who are responsible for Elminage. The new version features improved graphics, stereoscopic 3D and rebalanced difficulty.

[Source: Siliconera]

Video Spotlight: 22 Minutes of Spoileriffic Sonic Lost World Gameplay

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Not entirely sure if there’s any interest in this, but if you want to ruin 22 minutes of Sonic: Lost World for yourself then you can watch the below video which contains a large amount of gameplay footage from the Wii-U version of the game. Gameplay starts at 11:27:

[Source: RadioSEGA]

Japan Getting Miku Air Hockey AR Game for PS Vita

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Well I wasn’t expecting this! On September 10th, Japanese Playstation Plus subscribers will be able to download Miku Miku Hockey, an augmented reality air hockey game for PS Vita. That’s all there is to it really; I’m sure it’ll be a nice distraction but nothing spectacular. Have a look at that screenshot up there 🙂

[Source: Siliconera]

First Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin Screenshots Revealed

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Despite Ryu Ga Gotoku still not being confirmed for any specific systems, I think we can all assume that it’ll be released for a next generation consoles if these screenshots are anything to go by:


[Source: Aki At on the SEGABits Forum]

New Module Confirmed for Project Diva F 2nd

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

As per all Project Diva titles, new modules (aka costumes) always appear and now we’re getting our first look at one of the new modules. The above image shows the Magical Mirai 2013 module.

Also confirmed is the inclusion of items from the Piapro website which allows fans to submit custom costumes, items and even lyrics. Submissions to the website will be screened by Piapro and the best will be featured in the final game.

[Source: Siliconera]

The 11th SonicLondon Meet Confirmed and Dated

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

The next SonicLondon meet has been confirmed and will take place in Regent’s Park on the 7th of September. This meet also has a number of events taking place and are listed below:

“Art Corner: The voice actor and artist Andrew Hamblin, a SonicLondon regular, has kindly agreed to host our Art Corner for us. Go over and join him, grab a pencil and some paper (provided) and get sketching!

Blackjack: At some point during the meet Cyburn (a member of SonicLondon staff) will be hosting a game of Blackjack, and the eventual winner will recieve a prize. Time and prize to be confirmed on the day.

3DS/Vita Corner: Our friends from Monster Hunter Community UK have kindly agreed to host our handheld corner. They’ll be happy to play the likes of MK7/Mario Tennis/Luigi’s Mansion 2 with attendees. And would, of course, be most up for a sneaky Monster Hunt with those of you that way inclined.”

You can confirm your attendance on the Sonic London Event page on Facebook. Please remember that this is an 18+ event.

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