The Yakuza series spin-off Ryu Ga Gotoku: Ishin! is being localised for a Western release as Like a Dragon: Ishin! This new version of the game will release on PS4 and PS5 in February 2023 and is now powered by Unreal Engine 4.
The original release of Ryu Ga Gotoku: Ishin! was powered by SEGA’s internal Yakuza engine that powered every Yakuza game from Kenzan! to Kiwami. This version launched in 2014 and also saw release on PS3.
Watch the full reveal trailer from Sony’s State of Play event by clicking the embed below:
Like a Dragon: Ishin! will launch on PS4 and PS5 in Western territories in February 2023. The game is being developed once again by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.
We don’t normally talk figures on SEGADriven because it can be a bit dull, but SEGA have published their financial results for the year ending March 31st 2014 and it does make for some interesting reading.
Here’s SEGA’s top sellers from the past year:
1) Total War: Rome 2 – 1.13 million copies sold
2) Football Manager 2014 – 790,000 copies sold
3) Sonic Lost World – 710,000 copies sold
4) Company of Heroes 2 – 680,000 copies sold
5) Ryu ga gotoku Ishin! – 390,000 copies sold
SEGA’s profit was 30.7 billion yen (178 million pounds) for the financial year. This profit was down 8.2% on last year.
SEGA have also confirmed a continued focus on digital with further support for Phantasy Star Online 2 (get on that Western release guys!) as well as casual gaming for mobile devices.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin will receive exlusive PS3 bonus content for anyone who owns previous Yakuza PS3 games.
In a short interview with Siliconera, Toshihiro Nagoshi has revealed that if you have save data from past Yakuza games on your PS3 then you will receive “a little bonus”. This content is exclusive to the PS3 version of the game and will not make its way on the PS4 version.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin is released in Japan on the 22nd of February. A Western release has not been confirmed at this time.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin (AKA Yakuza Restoration) will run at 60fps on PS4. The series has never run this smooth in any of its current generation iterations (Yakuza 3, 4, 5 or Kenzan!) marking a first for the series.
More confirmed details include the map being linked to the touch-pad on the Dualshock 4, the light-bar flashing when you take damage and remote play being available to PS Vita owners.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin launches in Japan on February 22nd for PS3 and PS4. A Western release has not been confirmed.
More additional features for Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin have been revealed. The game will feature an in depth farming mechanic which allows you to grow 20 different vegetables and crops. These can cooked at home for health perks or sold for profit at the local market.
Fishing returns to the franchise and plays similarly to SEGA Bass Fishing. Multiple lures will have to be tried to test their effectiveness with different fish. Fish can also be cooked or sold similarly to your crops.
The final addition is that of pets. Stray dogs and cats can be taken in with a limit of 3 pets to your household. Keeping them happy means that on occasion they might fetch a rare item for you.
Are you ready for giant samurai, farming and chicken racing? Of course you are! The next game in the Yakuza franchise ‘Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin’ has it all and it’s due to release on PS3 and PS4 on the 22nd of February 2014. The game will be a launch title for the PS4 and now we finally have some in-game footage of the title. The video reveals that there will also be remote play via PS Vita.
A shock announcement from the Tokyo Game Show! Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin will be the first in the series to be a multi-platform and cross generational release and will receive a release on both the PS3 and PS4.
Check out the dramatic and rather violent first trailer for the game below. It also includes an English translation:
Despite Ryu Ga Gotoku still not being confirmed for any specific systems, I think we can all assume that it’ll be released for a next generation consoles if these screenshots are anything to go by:
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin is the latest game in the Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza series and some details are finally beginning to show themselves.
– Ishin is not a true sequel to Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan! but more of a spiritual sequel
– Ishin is set just before the Meiji restoration period and not the Edo period of Kenzan!
– Kazama Kiryu is playing the role of Sakamoto Ryōma. Japanese histroy tells us Ryōma sought to overthrow the government and restore rule to the Emperor and held strong beliefs that all men were equal
– A considerable amount of backstory was translated from this magazine scan: click here
Thanks to Yakuza Fan who have been an incredible source in finding information about Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin.
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