Super Night Riders is an arcade-style, time attack racer by the one-man French studio, The studio has stated that Super Hang-On is a big influence on the game and that’s certainly a good enough reason for us to check it out. The game is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One as a digital-only release.
Existing entries in the index now have a much tidier look that puts the artwork front and center and any additional images are now linked via image thumbnails at the bottom. Just makes the entries a little easier to navigate.
The big update comes with 5 new entries to the index. These come in the form of the recent Data Discs vinyl releases of Streets of Rage, Shenmue, Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master and Super Hang-On. Each release has its own separate entry with artwork and details about the release we thought were striking.
The final addition comes in the form of a Pulseman remix LP that was recently given to us by a good friend. This is quite a peculiar release as it was distributed in the UK despite the game never making it out of Japan.
Developer Noctet Studio has launched the Kickstarter for the SEGA-inspired racing game Slipstream. Check out the campaign trailer below:
As you can see, the game is heavily influenced by games like Out Run, Super Hang-On and even things like Sonic 2 if you take a look at the casino-themed area. Noctet is only asking for $6000 and the game is due to release in March 2016.
Finally! The release dates for the Western releases of SEGA’s 3D classics range for the 3DS eShop have been revealed! Check below for the full list:
3D Space Harrier & 3D Super Hang-On – 28/11/2013
3D Sonic The Hedgehog & 3D Altered Beast – 5/12/2013
3D Ecco the Dolphin & 3D Galaxy Force II – 12/12/2013
3D Shinobi III & 3D Streets of Rage – 19/12/2013
Each title will cost $5.99/€4.99/£4.49 depending on your region.
The SEGA 3D Classics range for Nintendo 3DS has finally been confirmed for Europe! Altered Beast, Ecco the Dolphin, Galaxy Force II, Shinobi III, Sonic The Hedgehog, Space Harrier, Streets of Rage and Super Hang-On will all release “soon” on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. You can see the announcement in the latest Nintendo Direct at the 5:13 mark:
Nintendo Life have uploaded gameplay footage of all 4 Japanese SEGA 3D eShop titles. Check out the below video to see 3D Super Hang-On, 3D Space Harrier, 3D Sonic the Hedgehog and 3D Altered Beast in action. WARNING: These are obviously only viewable in 2D:
Being a Japanese 3DS owner must be a wonderful thing because all these fantastic arcade classics keep getting re-released for your machine in shiny 3D!
Super Hang-On is making its’ way onto the Japanese 3DS eShop next week for ¥600 (roughly £4). You can even control the bike using the 3DS’ gyro-controls.
Here’s hoping this and 3D Space Harrier will make it to the West as well.
We reported earlier today that Alex Kidd in Miracle World was now available for XBLA and PSN. Well it turns out it’s actually a part of a wider SEGA Vintage Collection that includes a vast array of other classic SEGA titles. Here’s the breakdown:
Playstation Network All titles $4.99 (US) or £3.69 (UK)
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Arcade)
Wonder Boy in Monster World (Mega Drive)
Monster World IV (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Super Hang-On (Arcade)
Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Master System)
X-Box Live Arcade Each pack of 3 games is worth 800 MSP
Monster World Collection
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Arcade)
Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Monster World IV (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Alex Kidd & Co. Collection
Super Hang-On (Arcade)
The Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Master System)
Golden Axe Collection
Golden Axe (Arcade)
Golden Axe 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Golden Axe 3 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Streets of Rage Collection
Streets of Rage (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Streets of Rage 3 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
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