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Posts Tagged ‘monster world’

A New Wonder Boy/Monster World Game is in Development

Friday, January 30th, 2015



A new entry in the Wonder Boy/Monster World series is in development!

Development is being lead by FDG Entertainment who are responsible for the Flying Hamster games. The new game will be called Monster Boy and the Wizard of Booze and will be developed with series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa, formerly of Westone Bit Entertainment.

FDG Entertainment are also working with SEGADriven favourite Banjo Guy Ollie who will be producing music for the soundtrack and also appearing in-game as an NPC. You can check out a video of Banjo Guy Ollie in action which also features some artwork from the new game below:

Monster Boy and the Wizard of Booze is in development for PS4 and PC. More platforms are due to follow.

SEGA Tunes: Banjo Cover of the Monster Village Theme from Wonder Boy III

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

It’s not often someone sends you a message saying “here’s a video I made featuring a cover of the Monster Village theme from Wonder Boy III. Also it’s been done on a banjo.” Well that’s exactly what happened to me recently and the video was supplied by a certain Ollie LongZ; a talented little musician who has recently taken to arranging banjo covers of video game themes. Check out the impressive little arrangement below:

Here’s hoping Ollie has more SEGA covers up his sleeve, but if you’re interested you can check out another of Ollie’s cover’s by clicking here (it’s a Castlevania one).

Further Details on SEGA Vintage Collection for XBLA/PSN

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

We reported earlier today that Alex Kidd in Miracle World was now available for XBLA and PSN. Well it turns out it’s actually a part of a wider SEGA Vintage Collection that includes a vast array of other classic SEGA titles. Here’s the breakdown:

Playstation Network
All titles $4.99 (US) or £3.69 (UK)

Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Arcade)
Wonder Boy in Monster World (Mega Drive)
Monster World IV (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Super Hang-On (Arcade)
Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Master System)

X-Box Live Arcade
Each pack of 3 games is worth 800 MSP

Monster World Collection
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Arcade)
Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Monster World IV (Genesis/Mega Drive)

Alex Kidd & Co. Collection
Super Hang-On (Arcade)
The Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Master System)

Golden Axe Collection
Golden Axe (Arcade)
Golden Axe 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Golden Axe 3 (Genesis/Mega Drive)

Streets of Rage Collection
Streets of Rage (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Streets of Rage 3 (Genesis/Mega Drive)

[Source: The Gagaman on Twitter]

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