The 3D remakes of Super Hang-On and Space Harrier (imaginatively titled 3D Super Hang-On and 3D Space Harrier) have finally made their way onto the 3DS eShop. Both games are priced at £4.49/€4.99 each so if you have a yearning for some SEGA arcade action on the go then now’s your opportunity!
Next week, 3D Sonic the Hedgehog and 3D Altered Beast will appear on the eShop so keep those eyes peeled!
Being a Japanese 3DS owner must be a wonderful thing because all these fantastic arcade classics keep getting re-released for your machine in shiny 3D!
Super Hang-On is making its’ way onto the Japanese 3DS eShop next week for ¥600 (roughly £4). You can even control the bike using the 3DS’ gyro-controls.
Here’s hoping this and 3D Space Harrier will make it to the West as well.
There is hope Westerners! The Australian Classification Board has revealed a listing for 3D Space Harrier; the Space Harrier remake for the 3DS eShop. The applicant for the classification is none other than SEGA Europe so it would seem that the previously Japanese exclusive game is now coming West.
Check out some non-3D gameplay of the game in action below:
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