The Sonic Hacking Contest will return for the week starting October 10th 2022. The annual Sonic the Hedgehog modding contest is now accepting submissions until September 4th 2022 and September 25th for expo entries.
Expo entries are not judged so if your project is earlier in its development cycle and you’d like to give a wider audience an opportunity to experience your early work for feedback then this is the category for you. Contest entries will receive criticism from the panel of judges and also be eligible to win trophies, of which there are a handful of new ones for 2022’s contest.
A full list of information about contest categories, trophies judging and how to submit a hack or mod to this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest can be found on the contest’s official website. As per usual, SEGADriven will be running video coverage of the event during contest week, so subscribe to our YouTube channel which already hosts a large quantity of video features on various Sonic hacks and mods like the one below:
Our coverage of the Sonic Hacking Contest has continued on our YouTube channel. Our latest 2 videos discuss Sonic 2 Advanced Edit and I Made You a Salad which can be watched by clicking the embeds below:
It’s time to catch up with our Sonic Hacking Contest coverage! We have another 2 video reviews of mods featured at the event and you can watch both below. This time we take a look at the Sonic Mania mods Return of Metal and Sonic Gaiden:
The Sonic Hacking Contest 2019 is underway and we have our first day of coverage now live on our YouTube channel. You can watch our first impressions on both Dragon Valley and Sonic Mania Warped by clicking the embeds below:
Dragon Valley
Sonic Mania Warped
More coverage will appear on our YouTube channel this week so subscribe to SEGADriven and never miss a thing. Tracker has also been streaming a variety of mods from the event and you can watch his first stream by clicking here.
The Sonic Hacking Contest returns on Monday 2nd December 2019 to Sunday 8th December. All games will be available from and the public are able to vote for the Contest entries for Community Trophies. As usual there’ll be streams throughout the week from people such as redhotsonic, MegaGWolf, SomecallmeJohnny, AntDude, Garrulous64, DaveAce and many more. We will also be covering as many hacks and mods featured at the show over on our YouTube channel (click here and subscribe!).
If you would like to review a full list of the contest entries for this year you can click this link to a thread from the official Sonic Hacking Contest Twitter account. This year hacks and mods are based on a wide variety of Sonic games including the original 16 bit titles, Sonic Mania, Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes and even Sonic the Hedgehog 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
The Sonic Hacking Contest has returned and is running from the 7th to the 13th of November 2016. In these videos we take a look at 6 choice cuts from this year’s event:
The Sonic Hacking Contest has returned and is running from the 7th to the 13th of November 2016. In this video we take a look at 3 choice cuts from this year’s event:
The Sonic Hacking Contest 2015 is now live and we’ve been attempting to review as many of the hacks as we can. We probably won’t get a chance to look at them all but you can check out 9 of them in the following 3 round-up videos on our YouTube channel:
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