The first character artwork and screenshot of Axel Stone in Project X Zone 2 has been revealed and they’re pretty faithful to the original character design. You can check them both out below:
This is Axel Stone’s first in-game appearance since Streets of Rage 3 in 1994. Axel will be voiced by Tomokazu Sugita. Project X Zone 2 releases worldwide on 3DS this Autumn.
The first teaser for Sonic Runners has been unleashed! The new teaser trailer doesn’t show any gameplay but it does take a short tour of Sonic’s history which is becoming quite a familiar sight if you’re used to Sonic reveal trailers. Check it out below:
If you click the image above you will also see the first insight into the game’s graphical style which seems to be based off Sonic Lost World. Characters also have that chunky, black outline with games like Sonic Jump have adopted.
Sonic Runners will launch on smartphones in Spring 2015. It is still unclear whether this is a Japan exclusive title.
Good to see the Dreamcast customisation scene is still alive and ticking! Check out this rather amazing Dreamcast mod that features a custom painted case and controller adorned with Jet Set Radio artwork. Beautiful!
Famitsu have discovered a teaser website containing 3 images connected to SEGA showing fantasy landscape artwork with the date 02.12 plastered over them.
You can access the website by clicking here and see the images below:
Could SEGA be announcing a new game? The artwork doesn’t appear to be reminiscent of any current SEGA IP so this could be a completely brand new IP as well.
SEGA recently teased the above cryptic image in regards to the announcement of a new game and some clever-clogs over at SEGABits has managed to match it to a piece by Double Fine artist Ron Gilbert on his blog.
So there you have it, SEGA and Double Fine are joining forces. Let’s hope this partnership produces something unique! More details on this title as we get it.
This year’s Summer of Sonic convention will be focussing greater on fan interaction after the announcement of several features which will be appearing at the July 7th event.
First of all, the Showcase feature makes a return. This means fans can get on stage to display their various talents, whether it be fan art, music, fiction or anything else! The Artist Alley also returns which will showcase artwork from a range of different contributors. Fan animations and shorts are also expected to be shown throughout the day.
Also returning is the annual cosplay contest which has seen an ever-growing popularity each year. I’ve personally seen plenty of Shadows, Sonics, Rouges, Sallys and even a Wes Weasley at past events!
The Club Sonic segment will also make a return after its’ successful appearance last year. This section of the show relies heavily on audience participation to a nonstop megamix of Sonic tunes.
Finally, Sonic the Comic Online will be appearing at the event to showcase the latest work on the online continuation of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic series.
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