Vanillaware’s upcoming tactical RPG Unicorn Overlord now has a free downloadable demo for the Nintendo Switch. The full game will release on March 8th 2024, but any progress made in the free demo can be transferred to the main game once it releases. You can check out a brand new trailer for the game below:
Unicorn Overlord is coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. The game is being published by Atlus and SEGA and developed by Vanillaware.
A brand new trailer for Hatsune Miku Project Diva Mega Mix has arrived and with it we get official confirmation of the game’s Western release date. Mega Mix will arrive on the 15th of May 2020 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch as an eShop downloadable title. See the game in action below:
Along with this announcement, pre-orders are now open on the Switch eShop alongside a free downloadable demo. The game costs £34.99.
Thanks to Damian Mougakos from SEGA America, Erinplays and Geoff Keighley, we now have a look at what the SEGA Genesis Mini looks like in action. We get a look at the hardware itself, menus (complete with Streets of Rage sound effects!), sorting options, in-game performance and save state functionality. Check it out in the video below:
The Yakuza 6 demo has been removed from the US Playstation store after some users found an exploit to allow them to play the full game.
The demo itself is 36.53gb in size and actually contains all the data for the full game, except the demo was designed to lock players into a small portion of the game with their progress being carried over to the full game on release day (17th of April 2018).
The full game exploit appears to be exclusive to the American version of the demo as the demo is currently still available on the UK and Australian Playstation store-fronts. If this changes then we will be sure to update this story.
A demo for Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX has gone live on the North American and European 3DS eShops but a publishing glitch has resulted in a strict one use limit for European players. This probably won’t get fixed before the game’s full release.
The North American version suffers no problem with the standard 30 use limit being available. I’m still not sure why the 3DS eShop restricts the amount of uses a player can have with a demo anyway, but at least the North American audience can have a little longer with the demo before they decide to buy the full game.
Remember being able to keep demos? Good times. Anyway Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX launches on the 8th of September. have released an interesting comparison video featuring the Aliens: Colonial Marines hands-off demo and the final version of the game. The results are staggeringly different with the demo including better lighting effects and higher quality textures. Check it out below:
Yukio Futatsugi’s spiritual sequel to SEGA Saturn classic Panzer Dragoon (known as Crimson Dragon) briefly had a demo made available on the Japanese X-Box Live Marketplace before it was quickly taken down by Microsoft.
The game is not going to be published by SEGA but SEGA fans may want to keep an eye on Crimson Dragon due to its’ connection to Panzer Dragoon. The appearance (and disappearance) of the demo means that the game must be nearing completion.
Crimson Dragon is a Kinect-only X-Box 360 game and will presumably launch this year.
Sonic Fusion was a really interesting blend of old school 2D Sonic platforming with a new school set of techniques like homing attacks and boosting. It also features a great mash-up of graphics sourced from various Sonic games like Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic Advance. You can watch a speedrun of the Fatal Factory stage below:
Good news for western Project Diva fans! The version of Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F being displayed at E3 is in fact completely in English. The title of the game has simply been changed to Hatsune Miku for this tech demo. There is still no word as to whether this means the game is coming to the west or if SEGA are attempting to gauge interest in the title.
There’s even direct-feed gameplay footage for those interested. Check it out:
UPDATE ON 29/3/12
Please be aware that the zip you have to download to play this game contains 2 infected files; a dll and the main executable. Remove these and use the 64 executable as to not put your computer at risk.
The Sonic Retro fan-game project Sonic 2 HD which aims to recreate Sonic 2 with high definition artwork, has received a new alpha release which is available to download from the project’s official website now.
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