SEGA has finally announced when Western players will be able to get their hands on the SEGA AGES series’ Virtua Racing and Wonder Boy ports for Nintendo Switch. The titles will both be out June 27th in the West, for $7.99 each. If the other AGES titles are to go by, they’ll likely be £5.99 each on the European eShop.
This is where things get puzzling though – Western players are now missing a game! SEGA AGES Puyo Puyo, which launched in Japan before either of these titles and was previously confirmed to be on the way to Western shores, is nowhere to be found. It’s a very peculiar turn of events, as the game is fully localised (downloading it from the Japan store to an English system gives you the localised version, as with all of the AGES ports). All we can think of is that perhaps they didn’t want to launch the port so close to the recent Puyo Puyo Champions, but it’s unfortunate given AGES Puyo marks the first time the game’s English translation has ever been officially rereleased.
Either way, it’s good to see more titles from this series making their way westward, and Virtua Racing in particular is a fantastic port. We’ll let you know if anymore details come in on Puyo’s whereabouts.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
Tags: nintendo switch, puyo puyo, sega ages, virtua racing, wonder boy in monster land