Sadly, there’s literally no more details than that; it’s unknown if this means a new game in the vein of Puyo Puyo eSports (Champions in the West) is in the works, or if it’ll just entail running games such as Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown within Japan’s eSports league.
At the very least, let’s hope we get some fresh Virtua Fighter ports out of this; only time will tell!
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
During the 2017 Tokyo Game Show, Tomoya Ohtani performed a short live set of music from Sonic Forces to promote the upcoming Sonic Team title. He was joined on stage by vocalists Jon Underdown and Nana Hatori and the performance has become infamous for Ohtani’s use of the air horn sound effect. You can watch the set by clicking below:
Sonic Forces launches worldwide on November 7th 2017 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
A new Sonic: Lost World trailer has appeared during the Tokyo Game Show. The Japanese trailer features a hugely insightful look at the final game and features a tonne of new gameplay footage. Check it out:
A new Phantasy Star title has been announced at the Tokyo Game Show for PS Vita. The new title is called Phantasy Star Nova and you can watch the announcement trailer below:
Meanwhile the West is still waiting on the release of Phantasy Star Online 2 so fans of the series might not want to get their hopes up for Nova.
A shock announcement from the Tokyo Game Show! Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin will be the first in the series to be a multi-platform and cross generational release and will receive a release on both the PS3 and PS4.
Check out the dramatic and rather violent first trailer for the game below. It also includes an English translation:
SEGA will be showing the following games at the Tokyo Game Show:
Binary Domain (PS3/360)
Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure (3DS)
Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend (PSP)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC)
7th Dragon 2020 (PSP)
Anarchy Reigns (PS3/360)
Sonic Generations (PS3/3DS)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC)
Yakuza: Black Panther 2 (PSP)
So that’s another 2 games announced! A new 7th Dragon game is coming to PSP (the original was released on DS and was Japan-only) and ANOTHER Hatsune Miku game is making its’ way to PSP.
Jun Senoue, famed composer of many a Sonic game, has confirmed he will be performing on the SEGA stage of the Tokyo Game Show on Sunday September 18th. Jun will be performing alone and is planning an interesting playlist.
“I need to think about the songs to play there and I know it will be a great opportunity to play some from Generations.”
In other news, Jun has also confirmed that the 2 Sonic Generations CDs we discovered artwork for are in fact Japanese pre-order items for anyone pre-ordering either the PS3/360 or 3DS versions.
“They are sort of giveaway CDs. I will work on the soundtrack CD of Sonic Generations later.”
That last comment seems to indicate that Jun is arranging a proper Generations soundtrack CD for a later release. More on this as we get it!
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