Gamerzines have apparently spilled the beans on HD ports of Shenmue 1 & 2. The ports have apparently been finished for a year with their release being held up until SEGA had a clearer picture of the future of the Shenmue franchise ie whether Shenmue 3 will actually see the light of day.
The ports will show up on X-Box Live Arcade and Playstation Network. No date has been given at this time. This is exciting news for Shenmue fans; not only are they getting HD versions of the original 2 games but it looks like plans are in place for a 3rd game as well. Happy days!
We all knew it was happening but SEGA finally confirmed the rumours that Sonic Adventure 2 is being re-released on X-Box Live Arcade and Playstation Network this Autumn. Check out the handheld footage of the announcement at Sonic Boom below:
Gotta love SEGA’s sense of humour! It’s also great seeing how many people actually still love this game 🙂
NiGHTS into Dreams…, the much-loved SEGA Saturn high-score flying game is being re-released for X-Box Live Arcade, Playstation Network and PC download. There is no release date at this time but an announcement trailer reveals that the game is being remastered with high definition graphics and a widescreen display. The original Saturn version is also included.
The HD port of Jet Set Radio originally set for release this summer on XBLA, PSN and Steam is now coming to Playstation Vita.
The Vita version will include touchscreen controls and camera integration that is exclusive to this port. We assume this will be used for the tagging in the game and creating your own tags but this hasn’t been confirmed at this time.
The game will also be playable at this year’s E3 event at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 5th to the 7th. There is currently no word in regards to when this version of Jet Set Radio will release or if it will come out on the same day as the XBLA/PSN/Steam releases.
Sonic 2 HD, the promising HD fan remake of Sonic 2 has been officially cancelled as per a message left by Vincent (the project leader) on the project’s official Facebook. Reasons for this are mainly pinned on ex-lead developer LOst who wouldn’t provide the rest of the team with a DRM free version of the game and is solely responsible for the inclusion of the DirectInput bug which made users believe they’d downloaded a keylogger. He is also the only person holding what would be the source code for the game so production cannot continue without his involvement.
Never-the-less, it’s sad to see the project go as the alpha demo was an impressive piece of work by what is essentially a bunch of bedroom coders. 2 members of the team (scanline99 and Cerulean Nights) have moved on to other independent work in hopes of furthering their game-developing careers and we wish them all the best for the future.
UPDATE ON 29/3/12
Please be aware that the zip you have to download to play this game contains 2 infected files; a dll and the main executable. Remove these and use the 64 executable as to not put your computer at risk.
The Sonic Retro fan-game project Sonic 2 HD which aims to recreate Sonic 2 with high definition artwork, has received a new alpha release which is available to download from the project’s official website now.
SEGA’s Ben Harbone may have just let slip that Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia will be coming to download services. In an interview with Gamesreactor, Harbone said “Those are a couple of our most requested games. I can’t say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but we may be working on them.” My mind actually cannot fathom how awesome Shenmue in widescreen HD would be!
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