This is a bit of a self-indulgent little piece but I felt compelled to write something about my history with the Sonic franchise as it’s the hedgehog’s 24th anniversary today.
If you’ve ever wondered about the history of SEGADriven and our “place” in the Sonic community then this should answer any questions you may have! It also acts as a personal celebration of the Sonic franchise and a “thank you” for allowing all of the experiences that have come with it.
It’s April 1st and you know what that means? Playing pranks on each other! Below we’ve collected some of the activities going down on various SEGA community websites that we thought were worth sharing:
Project Diva Wiki Announces 3 New Games
The Project Diva Wiki have announced 3 new titles in the Project Diva series with one curious entry appearing on PSone!
The Sonic Stadium Reveals a New Layout
The Sonic Stadium have revealed an exciting new layout which is tailor-made for 56k modem users! Finally, you can enjoy The Sonic Stadium as you’d always imagine it would look on Geocities!
Watermelon Games Rebrand as Banana Games
Watermelon Games, the developers of Pier Solar have decided to re-brand and become Banana Games! The developer will have a new focus on digital games and have announced a $19.99 subscription service which will allow you to play Pier Solar Mini on Facebook!
SEGA of America Announce Re-Releases That Use Goat Processing
SEGA have officially joined in on the April 1st fun by announcing a series of re-releases that have been “enhanced” with “goat processing”.
We will update this entry as more April 1st updates come to light.
Yakuza Fan Reveal Pirate Spin-Off “Ryu Ga Gotoku Of Endless Tides”
Yakuza Fan have the exclusive news of a new pirate-themed Yakuza game called Ryu Ga Gotoku Of Endless Tides!
Titanscreed has returned with a new Community Spotlight that takes a look at the new Sonic Stadium remix album “The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012”. See what Titanscreed thinks about the album below:
The Sonic Stadium have revealed that “sources close to SEGA” have revealed to them that a new Sonic game will be either announced or simply teased next month with an estimated release date of September 2013.
There’s an awful lot of details about the game from this mystery source. We’ve detailed the key points below:
* It will be released on Wii U, PS3, 360, 3DS, PS Vita, PC, and “Next gen” consoles
* PC and PS Vita versions will be identical aside from the graphical differences, while the 3DS version will be another Sonic Rush styled game
* Similar to Sonic Unleashed (Daytime), Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations where gameplay switches between full 3D movement and 2D side-scrolling sections
* Each route in a stage will lead to one of two or three exits at the end that will each take you to a different stage
* The developers are trying for a least 20 diferent stages, not including boss battles
* “You might unlock Knuckles in any one of three stages. Sometimes, if you already have a character that would be unlocked first, a different one may be unlocked. Altogether we’re looking at about 10 different characters to play with, and no, Sonic isn’t getting any new friends.”
* Each character will have their own skills to help them progress in stages easier where others will have more difficulty or simply cannot ala Sonic 3 & Knuckles and the Sonic Advance series
* The 3DS version will be “similar in idea, but smaller in scope”. The source says it looks like every stage will only ever branch off into 2 stages.
The Sonic Stadium have revealed a fascinating new feature which discusses Sonic Adventure’s original downloadable content. This includes a Reebok sponsored speedrun challenge that I won’t reveal all the details for as it’s a great read that you should really check out.
On Tuesday The Community Spotlight revealed the first part of an interview with our host The Sonic Stadium. We’re now back for part 2 of this interview that sees Pete “Titanscreed” Nethercote interviewing Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne from The Sonic Stadium. Click below to listen to the final part:
Our rather spectacular host The Sonic Stadium is 12 years old today! Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne started The Sonic Stadium on the 24th of October 2000 and it has grown into the premier Sonic the Hedgehog fansite on the internet. We are very proud to be hosted by them and form a part of the TSS Network.
Without further ado, here’s our birthday message to The Sonic Stadium:
Other standout TSS moments for me include:
– Learning about the pirate Sonic game ‘Sonic 3 Fighter Sonic‘ through an article at TSS and then seeing an actual copy at a bootsale a week later! Yes, I actually bought it knowing full well that it was supposed to be terrible!
– Thoroughly enjoying Brad “Slingerland” Flick’s writing and opinion pieces. I’d love to meet the man one day; seems like a really down-to-Earth/funny guy
– The Sonic Site Awards! We always enjoyed SSA and watching the whole thing unfold. It was always exciting to see if we’d won anything!
You may forget, but we are a part of a cool little network of websites hosted by our awesome buddies The Sonic Stadium and we’re very proud of this fact. So we’d like to point your attention to this new edition of The Community Spotlight that sees Pete “Titanscreed” Nethercote interviewing Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne from The Sonic Stadium! This is part 1 of a 2 part edition of The Community Spotlight so make sure you come back on Thursday to see the 2nd part:
So another Summer of Sonic comes to a close. The annual Sonic convention created by fans and run by fans was hit with a major stroke of bad luck when the original venue suffered from a power-cut which led to an electrical fire. Luckily, an alternative venue was acquired just in the nick of time and the convention was moved from the Hove Centre to the Brighton Centre in just 3 hours.
Despite the set-back, this year’s Summer of Sonic turned into one of the best and everyone who staffed it did an amazing job. Hopefully, all our attendees had a fantastic time!
Here’s some footage we managed to shoot while we weren’t busy elsewhere; enjoy!
It’s Summer of Sonic week! In the first of 3 interviews, Titanscreed gets some of the volunteers and minds behind Summer of Sonic (including us!) to discuss the history of the event and some of their favourite moments from past events. Click below to listen in:
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