On Tuesday The Community Spotlight revealed the first part of an interview with our host The Sonic Stadium. We’re now back for part 2 of this interview that sees Pete “Titanscreed” Nethercote interviewing Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne from The Sonic Stadium. Click below to listen to the final part:
Our rather spectacular host The Sonic Stadium is 12 years old today! Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne started The Sonic Stadium on the 24th of October 2000 and it has grown into the premier Sonic the Hedgehog fansite on the internet. We are very proud to be hosted by them and form a part of the TSS Network.
Without further ado, here’s our birthday message to The Sonic Stadium:
Other standout TSS moments for me include:
– Learning about the pirate Sonic game ‘Sonic 3 Fighter Sonic‘ through an article at TSS and then seeing an actual copy at a bootsale a week later! Yes, I actually bought it knowing full well that it was supposed to be terrible!
– Thoroughly enjoying Brad “Slingerland” Flick’s writing and opinion pieces. I’d love to meet the man one day; seems like a really down-to-Earth/funny guy
– The Sonic Site Awards! We always enjoyed SSA and watching the whole thing unfold. It was always exciting to see if we’d won anything!
You may forget, but we are a part of a cool little network of websites hosted by our awesome buddies The Sonic Stadium and we’re very proud of this fact. So we’d like to point your attention to this new edition of The Community Spotlight that sees Pete “Titanscreed” Nethercote interviewing Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne from The Sonic Stadium! This is part 1 of a 2 part edition of The Community Spotlight so make sure you come back on Thursday to see the 2nd part:
Well this is a bit embaressing, but SEGADriven has suffered a rather severe database error. Dreadknux and Bman have been working very hard this evening trying to get SEGADriven back up and running but there’s a strong possibility that we may have lost a large amount of data.
If all goes well, Bman should be able to restore an old backup of the site and we’ll have it in a decent condition soon. Please be patient!
Big thanks to Dreadknux and Bman for sorting this issue out! I’d be well and truly knackered without them! Stay tuned to SEGADriven as we’ll be resuming normal operation next week!
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