Developed by independent studio Overrated Future, Planet B is a brand new Mega Drive game that offers something a little different. The game is promising procedurally generated worlds and rogue-like action, which is something very unique when it comes to Mega Drive games. You can watch the game’s reveal trailer below:
Planet B by Overrated Future is currently set to be releasing, “in a near future”. The game will be getting a physical release but it is not currently available to pre-order at the moment. We hope to share more about Planet B as further information becomes available.
The return of Sonic the Comic Con was previously revealed last month, but now you can actually purchase tickets for the UK-based event via their Kickstarter which is also how the event is securing its funding. Funding has already been achieved at the time of writing, but tickets are still available for another 30 days.
This special 30th anniversary edition of the convention is celebrating 30 years of the original comic and will feature guest appearances from original Sonic the Comic writers and artists like Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson, Lew Stringer, Carl Flint and Ferran Rodriguez. Also in attendance will be Dave Bulmer and Chris McFeely; the hosts of Sonic the Comic the Podcast.
While tickets can only be purchased from the Kickstarter, additional rewards in the form of prints, t-shirts and original art can also be pre-purchased from the Kickstarter.
Sonic the Comic Con is a fan-run UK Sonic the Hedgehog convention that celebrates the UK Sonic the Comic publication, and it’s now returning on May 20th 2023.
Run by the talented Sonic the Comic Online team, the convention previously ran in 2014 in York and again in 2018 in Manchester. The convention returns to York this year and will be located at the York Railway Institute Sports Hall on Saturday May 20th 2023.
Tickets are not yet available but the official social media channels promise they are coming soon and it looks like the organisers will be using Kickstarter to secure funding and deliver tickets. Keep your eyes locked on the SonicTheComicUK social media if you’re interested in funding/attending the event.
The organisers of the previous unofficial Sonic the Hedgehog fan convention Weston Super Sonic are returning for another round, but this time with a new name and a new location. Sonic Fan Fest is the continuation of Weston Super Sonic, but now taking place in Bristol in the United Kingdom on October 14th 2023.
The show promises independent traders, gaming consoles to play, a quiz show, live music, an art zone, guest interviews and competitions. Kickstarter is being used to secure funding for venue hire and the payment of guests who have not been confirmed at the time of writing. Previous Weston Super Sonic guests have been Sonic the Comic writer/artist Nigel Kitching and artist Richard Elson.
Early bird tickets are available for £10 and only raising to £15 when early bird tickets have sold out. If you are based in the UK or even happy enough to travel to the UK, the event should be a major addition to any Sonic fan’s calendar.
You can back the Sonic Fan Fest Kickstarter and secure your tickets by clicking here.
Another fascinating homebrew development has come to light! XL2 and Corvusdeux are working on a port of Unreal to the SEGA Saturn and the work they’ve already done on it is nothing short of incredible.
The demo features 2 maps plus a bonus one and the most remarkable achievement is in the game’s draw distance. Unreal famously has some incredibly large map designs and the Saturn is managing to draw them with ease in this first release. You can check out gameplay footage via the embed below:
Developed by Mauro Xavier AKA CFX, the first playable demo of his Final Fight MD port is now available to download. It’s quite a generous first offering that allows you to play up to the boss fight with Sodom/Katana.
Final Fight MD can be played on real hardware using a flash device or under emulation. The Mega Drive infamously never received a port of Final Fight, but a version was released in 1993 on the Mega CD called Final Fight CD.
Thanks to the amazing programming talent of Ian Michael and artist Adam Burrell, we now have an unofficial Dreamcast collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games that aims to be the Dreamcast equivalent of the recently released Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. This Dreamcast version compiles all the SNES, NES, Game Boy and Mega Drive titles together with surprisingly great emulation. The only games it doesn’t feature are the original arcade ports for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Turtles in Time.
Also included are the Spectrum ports of the first TMNT console game and the arcade conversion which goes above and beyond the scope of the official compilation. We also get ROM hacks of Streets of Rage 2 that include the turtles as playable characters, alongside 2 Beats of Rage games themed around TMNT. There’s also an extensive video gallery which allows you to watch 2 full episodes of the original 1987 animated show, alongside some really deep cuts like the making of feature for the Coming Out of Their Shells tour amongst other videos.
All 7 issues of SEGA Mania have now been digitally preserved on the website which is run by the SEGA Mania team. You can browse them all by clicking here. Thanks to Peder Johnsen on Twitter for informing us.
The independent SEGA fanzine SEGA Mania has officially ceased publication after only 18 months of activity. The fanzine produced 7 issues.
Lead editor Tim Hugall has cited “a multitude of factors” for the fanzine’s discontinuation. He also revealed that the fanzine never produced any profit and all the writers contributed their work for free. All proceeds made from magazine sales were put directly into the production of the next issue. You can read Tim’s entire farewell announcement by clicking here.
SEGA Mania had only just revealed the cover for their 8th issue 2 days ago which makes the cancellation strangely abrupt. All open pre-orders and subscriptions have been reportedly refunded. Unfortunately, the team have also removed all access to digital back issues and completely deactivated their social media channels – a disappointing end to a fanzine that has previously championed digital archiving.
SEGADriven want to send our best wishes to the SEGA Mania team and hope everyone moves onto bigger and better things. You can read our full review of SEGA Mania issue 1 by clicking here.
The team at SEGA Powered magazine are putting together a special 2022 annual in celebration of the publication’s first anniversary.
SEGA Powered is an independent SEGA fanzine that features Dean Mortlock of SEGA Power fame as editor. The team have published 7 issues so far and this new annual will compile some of their best features with some additional new content.
The Kickstarter for the annual has 13 days left and is currently at £2066 funded. The goal to make the annual a reality is £5000.
If you’re interested you can head to the project’s Kickstarter page and look at he various tiers to see what suits you best. The annual is being offered as both a digital release and a physical hardback book.
Released July 1st 2022, Sonic and the Fallen Star joins a very small list of Sonic fan games to actually make it to full release. But is it any good? Join us to find out:
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