The return of Sonic the Comic Con was previously revealed last month, but now you can actually purchase tickets for the UK-based event via their Kickstarter which is also how the event is securing its funding. Funding has already been achieved at the time of writing, but tickets are still available for another 30 days.
This special 30th anniversary edition of the convention is celebrating 30 years of the original comic and will feature guest appearances from original Sonic the Comic writers and artists like Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson, Lew Stringer, Carl Flint and Ferran Rodriguez. Also in attendance will be Dave Bulmer and Chris McFeely; the hosts of Sonic the Comic the Podcast.
While tickets can only be purchased from the Kickstarter, additional rewards in the form of prints, t-shirts and original art can also be pre-purchased from the Kickstarter.
Click here to be taken directly to the Sonic the Comic Con Kickstarter.
Sonic the Comic Con will be hosted at the York Railway Institute Sports Hall on the 20th of May 2023.
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