A whole host of new books and CDs have been added to our Merchandise section. You can go direct to the Book Catalogue or Music Index to browse the various entries, or you can look below for a list of the latest additions:
UPDATE: The Western titles have now been confirmed.
The next batch of games available on the Mega Drive Mini have been announced, and are as follows:
Ghouls n Ghosts
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Golden Axe
Revenge of Shinobi
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)
Puzzle & Action: Tant-R
Party Quiz Mega Q
Yu Yu Hakusho Makyō Tōitsusen
Mega Man®: The Wily Wars
Street Fighter II’®: Special Champion Edition
Sonic Spinball
Phantasy Star IV
Beyond Oasis
Ghouls ‘N Ghosts®
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Golden Axe
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Something cool to note: the last 4 games on this list supported 4 players via a Multitap on the original Mega Drive. They actually retain this functionality on the Mini – you can use a USB Hub to connect more controllers!
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
Our latest video on the SEGADriven YouTube channel once again takes a look at our updated Mega Drive collection. We also take questions from our Facebook and Twitter followers. Check it out below:
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Some clever clogs (Khaledantar666 on deviantART) has managed to mod Poison from Street Fighter x Tekken to take the form of Bayonetta. Check out some gameplay footage of the mod in action:
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