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Posts Tagged ‘lizardcube’

Shinobi: Art of Vengeance Formally Announced, Lizardcube Developing

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

SEGA have formally announced the title of the new Shinobi game alongside its developer and release date. Streets of Rage 4 developers Lizardcube are creating the game which will launch on August 29th 2025 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch and PC.

You can check out the full announcent trailer by clicking the embed below:

The trailer showcases a beautiful hand-drawn art style, fast combat, and the return of lots of Shinobi franchise iconography like the surfing section from Shinobi 3. The game will also be available as a digital deluxe edition that includes a ghost outfit, medic lite amulet, SEGA villains bonus stage, in-game upgrade currency and a digital artbook and soundtrack.

New Streets of Rage 4 Update Adds Co-Op Moves and Customisable Survival Mode

Monday, March 13th, 2023

A free update to Streets of Rage 4 with the Mr. X Nightmare DLC installed is now available and adds a whole host of new features and balances. The new update boasts 300+ balances and combo adjustments across all characters, new co-operative attacks for different character combinations and a completely customisable survival mode. You can watch the launch trailer below to see all of these new features in action:

Streets of Rage 4 and the Mr. X Nightmare DLC are available for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The game was developed by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games and published by Dotemu under license from SEGA.

Streets of Rage 4 ‘Mr. X Nightmare’ DLC Revealed for Late 2021

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Streets of Rage 4 will be getting a DLC expansion later in 2021 called Mr. X Nightmare. The expansion will be paid-for content and include new moves, new weapons, 3 extra playable characters, a new Survival game mode and new music composed by Tee Lopes of Sonic Mania fame. The first new character revealed in the below trailer is Estel who makes an appearance in the base game as a non-playable boss character:

Alongside the Mr. X Nightmare DLC will be a free update to all owners of the base game that will contain a ‘New Mania+’ difficulty option as well as a new training mode.

Streets of Rage 4 is out now for PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. The Mr. X Nightmare DLC will arrive later in 2021.

[Source: Gematsu]

SEGA Forever Retrospective Series Continues With a Look at the Streets of Rage Franchise | Video Spotlight

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

SEGA Forever continue their franchise retrospective series on YouTube with an in depth look at the entire Streets of Rage series. It’s a very interesting little piece that even makes mention of the 8 bit ports and the failed franchise revival from 1999. Check it out via the video embed below:

Dotemu Confirms Streets of Rage 4 DLC is in Development

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

During a Reddit AMA, Dotemu confirmed that Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games are working on additional content for Streets of Rage 4. There is currently no release window set in stone, but the publisher responded to the question of, “will you add content to Streets of Rage 4?” with the following:

“YES, we will but there is no ETA. You guys are awesome and deserve the best so give us time to do things right.”

Streets of Rage 4 released on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch back in April 2020.

[Source: Eurogamer]

Streets of Rage 4 Releases Digitally on April 30th 2020, Battle Mode Revealed

Friday, April 17th, 2020

In the latest Streets of Rage 4 trailer we get confirmation of the game’s release date. The game arrives on digital storefronts on April 30th 2020.

Along with the release date news, the latest trailer also confirms that the battle mode from previous Streets of Rage games returns, except now you can fight with up to 4 players in local multiplayer. Check it out:

Streets of Rage 4 is being developed by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games with Dotemu publishing under license from SEGA. It will release on PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One on April 30th for $24.99. There is currently no word on UK pricing. The game can still be pre-ordered physically from Limited Run Games.

Watch 5 Minutes of In-Game Streets of Rage 4 Action | Video Spotlight

Thursday, April 16th, 2020

IGN have a treat for us today as the website has gone hands on with Streets of Rage 4 and uploaded 5 minutes of in-game action. Check out the entire roster in action, including the unlockable retro characters in the video below:

Streets of Rage 4 appears to be very close to release with the video now promising the game will be “available soon”. It will release for PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One and is being developed by Guard Crush Games and Lizardcube with Dotemu publishing under license from SEGA.

New Streets of Rage 4 Trailer Reveals 5th Playable Character and 4 Player Local Co-Op | Video Spotlight

Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

A new Streets of Rage 4 trailer is upon us, and with it brings news of a brand new, 5th playable character in the form of Floyd Iraia. Floyd is a big, heavy-hitting character in the style of Max from Streets of Rage 2, but with the wacky, mechanised arms of Dr. Zan from Streets of Rage 3. Check him out in action by watching the latest trailer below:

Alongside the news of Floyd’s addition to the character roster, Streets of Rage 4 will support 2 player online co-op and for the first time in the franchise, 4 player co-op action will be supported in local multiplayer. Streets of Rage 4 is due to release at some point in 2020 for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch.

Limited Run Games Handling Boxed Release of Streets of Rage 4

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

A boxed release of Streets of Rage 4 is on the way, but publishing duties have been given to the people at Limited Run Games. As you can expect from the company’s name, Limited Run Games specialise in producing limited physical runs of games for collectors. They often produce a standard and a special edition of each of their releases, but there is currently no word on whether Streets of Rage 4 will get similar treatment.

Streets of Rage 4 is in development at Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games, with Dotemu publishing the digital release under license from SEGA. The game is coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch at some point in 2020. There is currently no word on when pre-orders will go live at Limited Run Games, so it’s worth keeping an eye on their website for updates.

[Source: SEGAbits]

New Streets of Rage 4 Behind the Scenes Documentary Now Available to Watch | Video Spotlight

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

A new “Behind the Gameplay” documentary on Streets of Rage 4 has been uploaded to the Dotemu YouTube channel and it offers some fascinating insight into the game’s development at Guard Crush Games as well as showcasing some new in-game footage. Check it out by watching the embed below:

Streets of Rage 4 will release on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch at some point in 2020. The game is being developed by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games with Dotemu publishing under license from SEGA.

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