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Posts Tagged ‘battle mode’

Streets of Rage 4 Releases Digitally on April 30th 2020, Battle Mode Revealed

Friday, April 17th, 2020

In the latest Streets of Rage 4 trailer we get confirmation of the game’s release date. The game arrives on digital storefronts on April 30th 2020.

Along with the release date news, the latest trailer also confirms that the battle mode from previous Streets of Rage games returns, except now you can fight with up to 4 players in local multiplayer. Check it out:

Streets of Rage 4 is being developed by Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games with Dotemu publishing under license from SEGA. It will release on PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One on April 30th for $24.99. There is currently no word on UK pricing. The game can still be pre-ordered physically from Limited Run Games.

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