A brand new trailer for Shenmue the Animation has debuted and with it we also get the news that the series will start airing on February 5th 2022 via Adult Swim. Check it out using the embed below:
Shenmue the Animation will be a 13 episode animated series that adapts the events of both Shenmue 1 & 2. The series is being distributed in the West by Adult Swim and Crunchy Roll and is being directed by Sakurai Chikara of Telecom Animation Film Studios and managed by Sola Entertainment.
An anime series based on Phantasy Star Online 2 is due for release in Japan next year.
The series will be called Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation and is being created to mark the 15th anniversary of Phantasy Star Online.
Details are currently scarce with some minor plot points being the only thing revealed at the moment. The series will feature an original story and be based on Earth. An official website is available to view by clicking here.
A new CGI animated Sonic series has been revealed for Autumn 2014. The series is tentatively titled Sonic Boom and the major reveal is the above image which introduces the lead character designs but only their silhouettes.
The show is aged at viewers aged 6-11 years of age and will air on Cartoon Network in the United States and CANAL J and GULLI in France. A worldwide rollout of the show will follow shortly after but no broadcasters have been announced for countries outside the US and France.
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