The PS4 home console port of SEGA’s previously arcade exclusive title Border Break has finally been set for August 2nd 2018 in Japan.
The game will be available as a free-to-play digital release that supports micro-transactions, but a boxed copy and a paid digital version will include extra bonuses. These bonuses basically amount to various in game items like an exclusive mech (or “border”) to use, additional parts for the mech (including customisable skins) and digital currency to be used for unlocking items, weapons and mechs in the in-game shop.
Border Break is currently a Japan exclusive PS4 title set to release on August 2nd 2018.
Online Dreamcast game Planet Ring has been brought back online thanks to a talented bunch of Dreamcast enthusiasts.
The fine people at DC Emuluation have managed to develop a custom piece of software called The EarthCall Project which bypasses the need for a Dream Key and allows you to play Planet Ring on private servers.
All the information and links to the software required can be accessed via this link: CLICK HERE
SEGA have sparked a deal with Asiasoft to develop an English-language version of Phantasy Star Online 2 for release in South-East Asia regions. Asiasoft support games released in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.
A Western release for Phantasy Star Online 2 is still in doubt, but at least an English language version of the game will now exist.
SEGA of Japan have revealed a new online RPG for Wii-U, PS Vita and PSP called Demon Tribe (information on formats discovered on Wikipedia). There isn’t much information available on the title outside the official website and the following announcement trailer:
As per usual there is no word on a Western release at this time.
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