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Posts Tagged ‘demon tribe’

iOS MOBA Demon Tribe Released in the West

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Now here’s a release I wasn’t expecting! SEGA have translated and released Demon Tribe in the West. The game was previously a Japan exclusive MOBA for iOS devices but Japan exclusive no more! Check out the hastily translated American launch trailer below:

Demon Tribe is available to download now for free. It more than likely supports in-app purchases.

Video Spotlight: Demon Tribe Opening Movie

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

SEGA of Japan have uploaded the full opening movie for their new iOS RFG Demon Tribe. Check it out:


Video Spotlight: Demon Tribe Trailer #2

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

SEGA of Japan’s iOS RPG Demon Tribe has another trailer for you all to gawp at. Check it out below:

Demon Tribe is currently a Japan exclusive title. No plans have been announced for a Western release at this time.


Video Spotlight: Demon Tribe Footage Aplenty

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

SEGA of Japan’s upcoming iOS RPG Demon Tribe has received some new video content. First up we have a pretty extensive gameplay trailer:

Next up we have a live action advert for the title featuring what I can only assume is a celebrity guest in the lead role:

More information about Demon Tribe can be found at the official website.

[Source: SEGA of Japan’s YouTube Channel]

SEGA of Japan Announce Demon Tribe

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

SEGA of Japan have revealed a new online RPG for Wii-U, PS Vita and PSP called Demon Tribe (information on formats discovered on Wikipedia). There isn’t much information available on the title outside the official website and the following announcement trailer:

As per usual there is no word on a Western release at this time.

[Source: SEGAShiro]

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