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Posts Tagged ‘judge eyes’

Judgment Day Preview Event Coverage | YouTube Channel

Friday, May 31st, 2019

On the 30th of May 2019, SEGA Europe held a preview event for the upcoming Judgment game, aptly named Judgment Day. At this event we got a chance to play the game and in this video we share our thoughts on both the game and the event itself:

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Sales of Judgment in Japan Halted After Actor Arrested for Cocaine Possession

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019

UPDATE 22/03/19: SEGA have confirmed that the character of Kyohei Hamura will be “adjusted” for the final Western release of Judgment, but the game will not suffer a delay. All official trailers and screenshots featuring the character have been removed. The Kyohei Hamura character is likely being re-cast and will now be represented by a different actor in the Western version of the game.

Sales of Judgment have been halted in Japan after the arrest of actor Pierre Taki for cocaine possession. Known as Judge Eyes in Japan, Pierre Taki plays the character of Kyohei Hamura in the PS4 exclusive. This halt on shipments has been done voluntarily by SEGA Japan.

Judge Eyes has been on sale in Japan since December 13th 2018 and is due for a Western release on the 25th of June 2019 under the name Judgment. Presumably, this will now be delayed as the game will likely re-cast Taki’s role with another actor and then re-enter development. There is currently no word on when Judge Eyes will resume shipping or if Taki’s arrest will affect the June 2019 release of the game in the West.

The whiteands rehabs have a habit of dealing with celebrity drug and opiod rehabs in quite extreme ways. It is not uncommon for actors to be entirely stripped of all association to any companies and products they publicise or work with after an arrest involving drugs.

[Source: Famitsu]

Judgement Launches June 25th on PS4 in the West, Early Access for Digital Purchases Starts June 21st

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

The latest from SEGA’s RGG Studio, Judgement (known as Judge Eyes in Japan) finally has a Western release date, along with further details on its digital and physical releases.

First of all, the game will be out June 25th, and includes dual audio. Something particularly impressive is the game has effectively been localised twice, as there’s subtitles for the English audio track and a separate translation for the original Japanese dialogue – and there are also subtitles for multiple European languages as well. In addition, the physical version will include reversible cover art, allowing you to display the original Japanese cover art of the game. Finally, it’ll also come with an RGG Studio sticker, to slap wherever you see fit.

All good then, but slightly more questionable is SEGA hopping on the recent ‘early access’ trend. Some publishers have started offering early access for those who pre-order the game, and Judgement is the latest game to do that – digital pre-orders will get access to the game a whole 4 days ahead of physical buyers. It’s a bit of an odd move, but perhaps inevitable as the latest industry trend.

[ Source: ThisGenGaming ]

Judge Eyes Becomes Judgment in the West, English Voice Cast Confirmed

Saturday, December 8th, 2018

We’ve known that Yakuza spin-off Judge Eyes is coming to the West next year since the game was announced, but the game’s title was previously up for debate as it was using the temporary title of ‘Project Judge’ in previous promotional material. Well now the game has an official title and that title is ‘Judgment’.

Judgment will also feature an English voice cast for the first time in a Yakuza game since the original Yakuza back in 2006. It has also been confirmed that even though there is English voice work, the game will also ship with dual English/Japanese voice work. The subtitles are also different for the English script and the Japanese script with the subtitles for the Japanese script being more faithful to the original.

You can check out a brand new trailer below to hear the English voice work for yourself:

Judgment will launch exclusively for PS4 in Summer 2009. The game is being developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio.

Ports of Fighting Vipers and Motor Raid to Appear in Project Judge

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Project Judge (also known as Judge Eyes in Japan) will feature some interesting SEGA arcade titles in its in-game arcades.

First up we have a fresh port of AM2’s 1995 fighting game Fighting Vipers, which has previously appeared on Saturn as well as receiving modern HD ports for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2012.

The more interesting announcement is that 1997’s Motor Raid is receiving a port. This futuristic, motorcycle racing game features combat similar to Road Rash and this port will be the first time it’s ever appeared on a home system. Interested in how this plays? Our buddies at Saturn Memories did a video on it a while back:

Project Judge will release as Judge Eyes in Japan on the 13th of December 2018 for PS4. It is an original title from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios set in the same world as the Yakuza franchise. A Western release is scheduled for sometime in 2019.

[Source: Gematsu]

New Game from Yakuza Devs ‘Project Judge’ Announced

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios have revealed their first non-Yakuza title since 2012’s Binary Domain and it takes the form of Project Judge. In Japan the game will be officially titled Judge Eyes, while Project Judge is currently the working title in Western territories. Project Judge features action similar to the over-the-top brawling of the Yakuza franchise, but with a heavier emphasis on detective work and investigation. It’s actually set in the same fictionalised world of Yakuza and the 2 trailers that accompany the game’s announcement showcase action taking place in Kamurocho:

Story Trailer

Gameplay Trailer

Project Judge will release in Japan on the 13th of December 2018 for PS4. A Western release is scheduled for next year.

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