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Posts Tagged ‘thriller’

New Game from Yakuza Devs ‘Project Judge’ Announced

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios have revealed their first non-Yakuza title since 2012’s Binary Domain and it takes the form of Project Judge. In Japan the game will be officially titled Judge Eyes, while Project Judge is currently the working title in Western territories. Project Judge features action similar to the over-the-top brawling of the Yakuza franchise, but with a heavier emphasis on detective work and investigation. It’s actually set in the same fictionalised world of Yakuza and the 2 trailers that accompany the game’s announcement showcase action taking place in Kamurocho:

Story Trailer

Gameplay Trailer

Project Judge will release in Japan on the 13th of December 2018 for PS4. A Western release is scheduled for next year.

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