The latest Sonic the Hedgehog game has been announced – a 3D platformer from SEGA’s UK-based Hardlight team, who’s previous works include Sonic Forces Speed Battle and Chu Chu Rocket Universe.
A plot summary comes the game’s official website:
In this all-new Sonic adventure, the evil Dr. Eggman has discovered The Reverie – an ancient device with the power to manifest dreams in the real world. Navigate twisted dreamscapes, rescue your friends, and put a stop to Dr. Eggman’s nightmarish dreams of world domination!
As you can see from the trailer, Sonic won’t be alone – with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Rouge all tagging along. The game will include 12 levels across 4 worlds.
The game will be launching exclusively for Apple’s Apple Arcade service. This means it’ll be free of microtransactions and the like, and will be playable across basically any Apple device with a screen – including the iPhone, iPad, iMac, and Apple TV. There is no word on whether this exclusitivity is timed, however – and Chu Chu Rocket Universe, which was also an Apple Arcade title, was simply delisted a long while ago and hasn’t resurfaced since. Hopefully, Dream Team won’t suffer a similar fate in the long run.
Screenshots (via SEGA PR) can be found after the jump. Additional screenshots can also be found on the website. (more…)
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
We recently reported that Boltrend Games were bringing SEGA’s mobile title IDOLA: Phantasy Star Saga to the West, with a open beta. Well, it turns out there’s not long to wait until the full release; as pre-registration is now open for the game, with the iOS App Store giving a release date of September 17th.
There is a bit of a downside to this news, as the game sadly isn’t coming to Europe as of right now; it’s available globally everywhere save for Europe, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. Trying to access the game via the App Store here in the UK turns up an error message. It might be too early to totally rule out a European release though – just look at Phantasy Star Online 2, after all. That, and Twinfinite states the game is actually planned to launch specifically in the UK, so this might change quicker than we think.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
The following Sonic titles are currently on sale in the UK iOS app store. If you haven’t got them I’d grab them quick because this sale will more than likely only last for today:
Sonic the Hedgehog – now 69p
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – now 69p
Sonic CD – now 69p
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 – now 69p
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 – now 69p
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing – now 69p
A recent teaser trailer from SEGA is promising a re-release of Crazy Taxi for iOS. What’s interesting about the trailer is that it hints the original Offspring/Bad Religion soundtrack might be back. Take a look below:
Have SEGA finally managed to get the rights back for the original Crazy Taxi soundtrack? Only time will tell. The trailer mentions an October 2012 release so we shouldn’t be waiting too long!
SEGA have confirmed that Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure, the 3DS rhythm game in the vain of Space Channel 5 will be getting an iOS re-release at some point in the near future. The game will apparently be a free-to-play affair but you will have to dish out microtransactions for more content.
There is currently no word on an exact release date. More on this as we get it.
Get your butts over to the iOS App Store now because Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is free to download today and today only! I’ve just grabbed it myself and I hear great things about this port so why not try it out? After all, it’s free!
Here’s a direct link to the game on the App Store: CLICK HERE
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