A new extended 6 minute trailer of Hokuto Ga Gotoku has also gone live. This new title based on the Fist of the North Star series is being developed by the Yakuza Studio and is due for release on PS4 on the 22nd of February 2018 in Japan. Check out the new trailer by clicking below:
Hokuto Ga Gotoku is currently only due for a Japanese release. A Western release has not been confirmed at this time.
A new mobile Yakuza title called Yakuza Online is in the works for iOS, Android and PC. This new title sees you playing as a new character called Kasuga Ichiban and is a free-to-play affair with optional micro-transactions. You can see the game in action by clicking below:
Yakuza Online is due for release in Japan at some point in 2018. There is currently no word on a Western release at this time.
In addition to the extended story trailer, we also have a new 4 and a half minute gameplay trailer of Yakuza Kiwami 2 to indulge in.
This trailer showcases the game’s combat and some new mini-games that include a Yakuza take on tower defense, a new hostess management mode called Cabaret Club GP and even the bizarre SEGA Toylet urinal mini-games. Check it out below:
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the original Yakuza 2 for PS2 and is due for release on PS4 on the 7th of December 2017 in Japan. There is currently no word on a Western release for the game.
A 5 and a half minute story trailer for Yakuza Kiwami 2 is now available on the official Ryu Ga Gotoku YouTube channel. Click below to see a summation of the game’s plot but with the lovely new graphics this version provides:
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the original Yakuza 2 for PS2 and is due for release on PS4 on the 7th of December 2017 in Japan. There is currently no word on a Western release for the game.
SEGA has announced it will forming a new Yakuza Studio that will be lead by Toshihiro Nagoshi. While its’ first game will be Binary Domain, they are also responsible for the development of 2 new Yakuza titles.
“What are these two new Yakuza titles?” I hear you ask. Well it’s none other than Yakuza 5 and a sequel to Black Leopard: New Yakuza Chapter; the PSP spin-off that debuted last year.
Yakuza 5 is reported to be in its’ early stages of development, but Black Leopard: New Yakuza Chapter 2 is already confirmed for a Spring 2012 release in Japan.
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