SEGA has announced it will forming a new Yakuza Studio that will be lead by Toshihiro Nagoshi. While its’ first game will be Binary Domain, they are also responsible for the development of 2 new Yakuza titles.
“What are these two new Yakuza titles?” I hear you ask. Well it’s none other than Yakuza 5 and a sequel to Black Leopard: New Yakuza Chapter; the PSP spin-off that debuted last year.
Yakuza 5 is reported to be in its’ early stages of development, but Black Leopard: New Yakuza Chapter 2 is already confirmed for a Spring 2012 release in Japan.
[Source: Eurogamer]
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Tags: binary domain, Black Leopard: New Yakuza Chapter 2, ps3, psp, Toshihiro Nagoshi, yakuza 5, yakuza studio