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Posts Tagged ‘western release’

iOS MOBA Demon Tribe Released in the West

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Now here’s a release I wasn’t expecting! SEGA have translated and released Demon Tribe in the West. The game was previously a Japan exclusive MOBA for iOS devices but Japan exclusive no more! Check out the hastily translated American launch trailer below:

Demon Tribe is available to download now for free. It more than likely supports in-app purchases.

SEGA Comment on PSO2 Western Release; Simply Delayed

Friday, September 20th, 2013

SEGA have commented on the Phantasy Star Online 2 Western release situation. Yesterday a SEGA representitive apparently made a comment that a Western release of Phantasy Star Online 2 was completely out of the question.

However, Kellie Parker of SEGA America has said:

“Originally slated for an early 2013 launch, SEGA can officially confirm that PS02 has been delayed. We don’t have any specifics but will update everyone as soon as there are more details to share.”

While this obviously means the game is still not due for release in the West any time soon it does mean that a release is still on the cards. Hopefully a revised release date will be announced soon.

[Source: SEGAbits]

Project Diva F Western Release Confirmed!

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F is getting a Western release! The game will release on PS3 and digitally via the Playstation Network. The game will launch in August 2013 and a demo will arrive on the PSN store June 12th. That’s next week!

Associate brand manager Aaron Webber has said, “Your voices helped make this happen. Miku and SEGA fans, this is your moment. We’re thrilled to bring this title out for you, and we’re counting on your support. Tell Your World!”

[Source: SEGA Blog]

SEGA Considering a Western Release for Project Diva F?

Friday, March 8th, 2013

SEGA have released an image on their official Facebook page that says “Like & Share if you want Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F for PS3 in the West!” Could this mean SEGA are going to finally release a Project Diva game for Western audiences or are they simply gauging interest?

The image currently has almost 14,000 likes and close to 10,000 shares. You can access it directly by clicking here.


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