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Posts Tagged ‘toejam & earl in panic on funkotron’

Both ToeJam & Earl Games Coming to XBLA/PSN this November

Friday, October 12th, 2012

ToeJam & Earl and its’ sequel ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron are being re-released on XBLA and PSN this November.

Both games will be packaged together for 800 MSP for $4.99 on PSN. We’re currently looking for the UK prices and release dates but the North American releases will happen on November 6th on PSN and November 7th on XBLA.

Both titles come with achievements and trophy support as well as online co-op.

[Source: SEGA Blogs]

ToeJam & Earl Games to be Re-Released on PSN

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

According to information received by Siliconera, the 2 ToeJam & Earl games ‘ToeJam & Earl’ and ‘ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron’ are set to be re-released via SEGA’s Vintage Collection; a series of upscaled ports of classic SEGA games made available on Playstation Network and X-Box Live Arcade.

There is currently no date set and no word whether the games will be making their way to X-Box Live Arcade, but according to Siliconera they will definitely be coming to Playstation Network.

[Source: Retro Collect]

SEGA Community Roundtable: Favourite SEGA Platformer That Isn’t a Sonic Game

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

The SEGA Community Roundtable is back from a longer absence than usual (my bad)! This time we dicuss the best SEGA Platformer that isn’t a Sonic game. The usual rules apply, any SEGA published game qualifies as well as any game that was released on a SEGA console; Mega Drive, Dreamcast etc.

Click here to be taken straight to the feature or click the ‘Features’ link on our menu.

A huge thanks to our contributors who make this feature so special! There’s some brilliant writing in this feature which you should all take some time to read over; probably some of the best work I’ve seen on the roundtable!

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