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Posts Tagged ‘stasis interrupted’

Stasis Interrupted for Aliens Colonial Marines is Now Available on XBLA

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

The final piece of Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC is now available for Xbox 360.

The DLC pack is a single player campaign called Stasis Interrupted which follows Hicks’ story between Aliens and Alien 3. Season pass holders will get the DLC for free while everyone else will have to pay 800 MS points for the privilege. A PS3 release is expected tomorrow.

There is no word on PS3 pricing at this time.

[Source: Eurogamer]

Final Aliens Colonial Marines DLC Coming Soon

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Despite the negative reception to Aliens: Colonial Marines, support for the game has been solid with numerous patches and DLC packs.

The final DLC pack for the game will be called Stasis Interrupted and is the only pack to offer additional single player campaign content.

Knowledge of the pack has been leaked via the pack’s PS3 trophies. No word on release dates or pricing are available at this time, but as usual the DLC will be “free” to owners of the game’s season pass.

[Source: Eurogamer]

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