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Posts Tagged ‘season pass’

Video Spotlight: A Look at Salvage Mode from the Safe Haven DLC Now Added to Alien Isolation

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015


The third piece of DLC in the Alien Isolation season pass is now live. This new add-on is called Safe Haven and features the following content:

– An all new Salvage Mode map, twice the size of any previous Survivor Mode map.
– Play as Hughes, and get faster access to the Bolt Gun, Shotgun and EMP Mine.
– Choose to explore the Gemini Systems or the Bacchus Apartments.

You can get a sneak peak at the new salvage mode map in the video below:

Buying the Alien Isolation season pass gives you access to 5 DLC packs at a 25% discount. Two more packs are due; one in February and one in March.

Stasis Interrupted for Aliens Colonial Marines is Now Available on XBLA

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

The final piece of Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC is now available for Xbox 360.

The DLC pack is a single player campaign called Stasis Interrupted which follows Hicks’ story between Aliens and Alien 3. Season pass holders will get the DLC for free while everyone else will have to pay 800 MS points for the privilege. A PS3 release is expected tomorrow.

There is no word on PS3 pricing at this time.

[Source: Eurogamer]

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