Our coverage of the Sonic Hacking Contest has continued on our YouTube channel. Our latest 2 videos discuss Sonic 2 Advanced Edit and I Made You a Salad which can be watched by clicking the embeds below:
It’s time to catch up with our Sonic Hacking Contest coverage! We have another 2 video reviews of mods featured at the event and you can watch both below. This time we take a look at the Sonic Mania mods Return of Metal and Sonic Gaiden:
The Sonic Hacking Contest has returned and is running from the 7th to the 13th of November 2016. In this video we take a look at 3 choice cuts from this year’s event:
Our YouTube channel has a new featured called Hack Showcase which looks at various 16 bit Sonic hacks and gives them mini reviews. In our first episode we take a look at 3 hacks; Metal Sonic Overdrive, Sonic the Hedgehog Brother Trouble and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Armageddon Game:
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