The third piece of DLC in the Alien Isolation season pass is now live. This new add-on is called Safe Haven and features the following content:
– An all new Salvage Mode map, twice the size of any previous Survivor Mode map.
– Play as Hughes, and get faster access to the Bolt Gun, Shotgun and EMP Mine.
– Choose to explore the Gemini Systems or the Bacchus Apartments.
You can get a sneak peak at the new salvage mode map in the video below:
Buying the Alien Isolation season pass gives you access to 5 DLC packs at a 25% discount. Two more packs are due; one in February and one in March.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: alien: isolation, dlc, fps, horror, safe haven, salvage mode, season pass, the creative assembly, video spotlight