Alien: Isolation lives again with a port to the Nintendo Switch on December 5th 2019. Porting duties are being handled by Feral and a new trailer showcases how close the visuals are to the original version. Check it out via the embed below:
Alien: Isolation was originally developed by The Creative Assembly and released on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One back in 2014. This new port for the Switch is a digital only release via the Nintendo eShop.
The next game to join the SEGA AGES lineup for Nintendo Switch will be the arcade shoot-em-up Fantasy Zone.
As expected, this release of the game will include the extra content introduced in the 3D Classics release of the game, such as Upa-Upa Mode (which lets you switch between power-ups freely, charging you for ammo rather than for each weapon), a ‘Coin Stock’ that accumulates over your playtime (so you can jump into the game with a loaded inventory of coins if you want), and bosses from the Master System version implemented as extra bosses in the arcade version. As you play and accumulate more coins, you’ll also unlock more options, such as increased power-up ammo, and the ability to change how many coins enemies drop when defeated.
There’ll also now be a time attack feature that gives you infinite lives, HD rumble support, the standard replay and ranking functions of the other AGES releases, and a massively overhauled HUD. The HUD is notable, as it’s actually very in-line with M2’s separate ShotTriggers line of shmup ports.
There’s no solid date on Fantasy Zone’s Switch release right now, but we’d expect it to show up within the next two weeks. Over here, it’ll probably launch alongside the recently released Shinobi port.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
The first in-game footage of Feral Interactive’s Alien: Isolation port to Switch is now available to view via the embed below and my word does it impress. It looks like very little graphical fidelity and resolution has been lost. Have a look for yourself:
Alien: Isolation for Switch is due to release this Winter as a digital download title from the Nintendo eShop. There is no hard release date available at this time. Alien: Isolation was originally developed by The Creative Assembly and released for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, PS4 and Xbox One back in October 2014.
The next SEGA Ages title coming to the Japanese Nintendo Switch eShop is SEGA Ages: Shinobi and it will launch on the 31st of October 2019.
This new port of the game by M2 features a whole raft of enhancements that include:
– a dedicated button for melee attacks (these were previously context sensitive)
– a stage select option
– new difficulty options
– rewind functionality
– replay functionality
– online leaderboards
– support for HD rumble
– an arcade cabinet mode that simulates the background noise of a bustling arcade
– a brand new ‘Ages Mode’ which acts as an easier difficulty where you play as Joe Musashi in his white ninja garb with permanent buffs and the ability to take 2 hits to kill
Check out some screenshots below which showcase this new port in action. You can see the famous Marilyn Monroe images have been replaced with an image of the wolf transformation from Altered Beast – a nice little touch:
During the wrap-up of Nintendo’s E3 Direct, casual mention of an Alien Isolation port to the Nintendo Switch was revealed.
While no in-game footage was shown, this port is due to release later in 2019 as a digital-only eShop title. Alien Isolation was originally developed by The Creative Assembly for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One and released in 2014 to critical acclaim. It will likely be the last Alien game developed by SEGA after they lost the rights to the franchise, which have now reverted back to 20th Century Fox and its video games division.
Click the below video to see the Alien Isolation reveal trailer:
There’s been scarce mention of M2’s SEGA Ages ports making it to the West, but all of a sudden (and only the day after the Japanese launch), Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV have landed on the Nintendo Switch’s eShop for Europe.
Each game is price €6.99 for Europe and £5.99 for UK. These ports are enhanced with development lead by M2 and contain new features like Sonic’s Mega Play mode from the arcade and the addition of the drop dash from Sonic Mania. Check out the launch trailer below:
After some not-so-subtle teasing from developers and a Korean Ratings Board listing, Football Manager Touch 2018 has been confirmed for Nintendo Switch – and it’s out today!
The game is now available on the Nintendo eShop, for £29.99. Football Manager Touch is the version of the game for smart devices, but with the Nintendo Switch version you get the option of docking into the Switch to watch the action play out on the big screen.
It’s great to see SEGA supporting the Switch with a variety of genres – and especially with a series as large as Football Manager.
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
The Dreamcast and SEGA Saturn console themes for 3DS are finally coming to Europe this Friday the 19th of February. Each theme will set you back £1.59 and come complete with sampled audio relevant to each console.
The European localisation has been especially impressive for previous SEGA console themes with the Mega Drive and Master System themes using sound and imagery relevant to the console’s release in the PAL regions. The same seems to have been applied to the Dreamcast theme which actually uses the blue swirl as opposed to the orange swirl used in America and Japan.
In a rather surprising turn of events, SEGA have committed to bringing the 3DS compilation title SEGA 3D Reprint Archives 2 to the West under the new name of SEGA 3D Classics Collection.
The collection bundles together the previously released M2 versions of 3D Sonic The Hedgehog, 3D Galaxy Force II, 3D Thunderblade, 3D Altered Beast, 3D Fantasy Zone II but with 2 exclusive ports of 3D Power Drift and 3D Puyo Puyo 2. Also included are two 3D Master System titles; Maze Walker and Fantasy Zone II.
Also confirmed are new SEGA 3DS themes. While no specifics are currently available outside a “coming soon” release date, we can assume that the Dreamcast console theme could well be one of them as SEGA have previously teased the release of that theme.
SEGA 3D Classics Collection launches on the 26th of April in America, exclusively for 3DS. There is currently no word on a European release.
The first SEGA console 3DS theme to make the big move from Japan to Western eShops is a Game Gear one. You can check out a short video of it in action by clicking here.
SEGA had been previously teasing the launch of the console 3DS themes with a short soundbyte that also confirms the existence of the Dreamcast theme. You can check that out by clicking here.
More news on release dates and what other console themes SEGA decide to make the jump to the West as we get it.
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