Our good friends Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote and Andy “TheBritishAndy” Wilson will be running another Sonic charity stream this year.
Last year they managed to raise over £600 for Special Effect over the course of 10 hours playing the Classic set of Sonic games. This year they’re aiming for a minimum of £700, but they will be streaming over two days with more of a focus on the modern Sonic titles.
Day 1 will consist of the following games:
Day 2 will consist of the following games:
Check out the trailer for Race for Good 2: Adventure Battle DX by clicking below:
The race will be hosted on both twitch.tv/projectphoenixproductions & twitch.tv/thebritishandy on June 22nd and June 23rd. It will begin at 8am BST/3am EDT/12am PDT. We wish both TitansCreed and TheBritishAndy all the best during their stream! As soon as a donation page is available we will update this story so you can donate to their cause.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: charity, fan scene, modern sonic, pc, sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, sonic forces, sonic generations, sonic lost world, sonic mania, sonic the hedgehog, stream, thebritishandy, titanscreed, twitch