Rejoice Android gamers! Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is now available to buy and download on Android devices. Took them long enough, eh? You can check out the launch trailer below:
Today’s SEGA Tunes feature is on the wonderful gameplay theme from SEGA’s Enduro Racer. We’re starting with the Master System version because quite simply it’s the better of the two:
For those of you that didn’t know, Enduro Racer started life as a parallax scrolling arcade racer similar to other SEGA racers like Hang-On. The difference here is that the game throws steep inclines and jumps at you to add some variety to the gameplay. The gameplay theme makes its’ first appearance here but the arcade version’s soundchip generally makes it sound a lot weaker than the Master System version:
Sadly we can’t seem to find any fan remixes of this gem, but if any of our readers would like to suggest some we will happily feature them on the next SEGA Tunes feature!
A sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing has been confirmed. The next game in the series is named Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (note the exclusion of ‘SEGA’ from the title) and it will be released on X-Box 360. No other word on release platforms is available at this time but Playstation 3 will likely be considered seeing how the first one was also released on that platform.
New features confirmed for the game are:
Gliding and water-based racing
Terrain that changes as the race goes on
Panzer Dragoon and Super Monkey Ball themed courses
Richard Jacques has contributed to the soundtrack
New characters include Vyse from Skies of Arcadia and Gilius Thunderhead from Golden Axe
Welcome to a new feature for; the SEGA Community Roundtable! In this feature we’ll be approaching certain members of the SEGA community to discuss different topics.
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