SEGASonic Bros is a cancelled arcade puzzle game from the creator of Puzzle Bobble that was recently discovered and dumped for preservation. Thanks to some spectacular modding by Dustin O’Dell, the game is now playable on the Mega Drive! We take a look at this version in our latest video:
Want to play the game yourself? Simply download the ROM from Dustin himself by clicking here.
Neo Hazard has also shared some additional footage that shows that the music changes at level 40. At level 40 a tune many will recognise as the Blue Sphere theme starts to play, meaning that its creation predates Sonic the Hedgehog 3 by 2 years.
It appears that a version of the unreleased SEGASonic Bros arcade puzzler has finally been dumped and compiled for use in a modified version of MAME. The ROM hasn’t been made available at this time, but we do have the first direct feed footage of the game running below, courtesy of Neo Hazard at Sonic Retro:
This version of MAME that has been modified to run SEGASonic Bros was developed by GerbilSoft. There is currently no word on if this emulator or the ROM will be made public.
As previously reported, the owner of what is thought to be the only SEGASonic Bros arcade board in existence has brought the game along to the California Extreme arcade expo. The game is open to play by all paying attendees and thanks to this, we now have the very first footage of the game in action. See below for 2 videos showcasing the game in action:
It’s been a while since we last heard about the unreleased SEGASonic Bros. arcade game that was discovered by Tumblr user ShouTime, but it appears he’s bringing the game to the California Extreme arcade show this weekend.
The game will be fully playable at the show, specifically at the exA-Arcadia booth. Hopefully an attendee will see fit to film the game in action so we can finally see some off-screen footage of it. Currently there’s only a selection of screenshots from ShouTime himself available to view online.
California Extreme takes place on the 28th and 29th of July. Full details can be obtained via the official website. Tickets are available on the door.
We’ve finally got a screen of SEGASonic Bros. that shows the multi-coloured Sonics that appear on the title screen, but actually in action.
While we’ve previously seen screens of different coloured balls on the game’s play-field (see below), the multi-coloured Sonics that appear on the title screen hadn’t previously been shown in game. From the above screenshot we can see the multi-coloured Sonics are actually used in play. We can only assume that turn into balls when placed or scored.
ShouTime is back once again with another screenshot from the unreleased SEGASonic Bros. puzzle arcade game.
As you can see above, we now have a look at the game’s difficulty settings which are remarkably similar to Columns’:
ShouTime has also uploaded an image of a Sonic the Hedgehog rucksack which is tagged with ‘SEGASonic Bros’. It’s not confirmed but this could be a piece of merchandise that was tied into the release of the game, but it doesn’t explicitly state this on the actual rucksack.
The discovery of a long lost Sonic arcade game has been quite the talking point in the SEGA community as of late! After some speculation as to what SEGASonic Bros. actually contains, we can now confirm the game was actually a puzzle game in the style of Cleopatra Fortune.
Two new shots have appeared showing the game’s tutorial mode (see above) and some in-game action (below):
In one of the most surprising discoveries in recent memory, an unreleased 1992 Sonic arcade game called SEGASonic Bros. has been revealed by Tumblr user ShouTime.
The game appears to be a puzzle game that was location tested but sadly failed said test. ShouTime, the user responsible for discovering the game’s arcade board, is also the person responsible for the ROM dump of the SEGASonic Popcorn Shop that was made available back in October 2015.
Another image of the game and some further information was also released by ShouTime. This information confirms that the game was developed by Bubble Bobble creator Fukio Mitsuji and the second screenshot shows a menu screen that bares surprising similarities to Puzzle Bobble:
SEGAbits have also discovered mention of the game from an old issue of EGM. The article details a few announcements regarding various Sonic games, including a comment that mentions an upcoming arcade game that, “invites multiple players to assume the role of different colored Sonics”.
Furthermore, a Sonic Retro forum user called Black Squirrel has also discovered mention of another unreleased Sonic arcade game in a different issue of EGM. The extract says, “We have developed two Sonic arcade games that have never been released because they were not the specialness that Sonic was”.
Fingers crossed ShouTime reveals further information about the game in due course!
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