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Direct Feed Footage of SEGASonic Bros Running in MAME | Video Spotlight

Neo Hazard has also shared some additional footage that shows that the music changes at level 40. At level 40 a tune many will recognise as the Blue Sphere theme starts to play, meaning that its creation predates Sonic the Hedgehog 3 by 2 years.

It appears that a version of the unreleased SEGASonic Bros arcade puzzler has finally been dumped and compiled for use in a modified version of MAME. The ROM hasn’t been made available at this time, but we do have the first direct feed footage of the game running below, courtesy of Neo Hazard at Sonic Retro:

This version of MAME that has been modified to run SEGASonic Bros was developed by GerbilSoft. There is currently no word on if this emulator or the ROM will be made public.

[Source: Sonic Retro]

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