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Posts Tagged ‘game grumps’

Video Spotlight: Game Grumps Play Night Trap

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

It’s been a long time since Game Grumps have played anything SEGA-related, but recently Arin and Danny got stuck into cult trap-em-up ‘Night Trap’ for the Mega-CD. The 2 part series ends with a finale you might not have been expecting:

Part 1

Part 2

Video Spotlight: Game Grumps Play Puyo Pop Fever

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Those loveable and sweary oafs Egoraptor and Jontron have uploaded a “Game Grumps VS” episode where the two gents play Puyo Pop Fever. Check it out but do remember that Game Grumps contains bad language and adult themes. NAUGHTY!

Video Spotlight: Game Grumps are Playing Typing of the Dead

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

That wacky duo of Jontron and Egoraptor have started playing The Typing of the Dead over on the Game Grumps channel. If anyone is familiar with the classic Dreamcast type-em-up then you should understand what sort of hi-jinks the pair are in for. WARNING: Game Grumps contains strong language:

Video Spotlight: Game Grumps Play Bayonetta

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

We’ve made it pretty clear in the past that we have an awful lot of time for Game Grumps, the Let’s Play channel from Jontron and Egoraptor. Today, the duo have started a playthrough of Platinum Games’ masterpiece Bayonetta and as usual it creates some really funny moments. Please be warned, Game Grumps contains adult language and themes:

Oh Good Lord; Game Grumps Are Playing Sonic 06

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

We’ve spoken about Game Grumps before and how it’s a great YouTube series featuring 2 funny men playing video games. JonTron and Egoraptor have now decided to tackle what is easily the lowest point in the Sonic series; Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Check out the first video in the series below (WARNING: bad language and adult themes are featured heavily):

JonTron and Egoraptor are also playing Shenmue. Keep up-to-date with Game Grumps by subscribing on YouTube.

Game Grumps are Playing Shenmue

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Have you heard of Game Grumps yet? The YouTube game show features Jontron and Egoraptor sitting down together to play games and talk rubbish. While the concept has been done a million times before, Game Grumps manages to be a cut above the rest simply because the two men are so funny to listen to.

Most of the show has featured Nintendo games up until now. Now the pair are tackling Shenmue which is already producing some funny moments like Jontron losing his cool with the controls and Egoraptor singing along with the theme that plays in the Hazuki residence.

You can watch the first part below. Please be warned that Game Grumps features bad language and adult themes:

The 2nd part is also available to watch here. This will more than likely turn into a very long series so make sure you check the Game Grumps channel for the next episode as it should go live soon.

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